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盖伯是个一流的厨师。Gabe is a top-notch chef.

我不知道,嘉博。我真希望我知道。I don't know, Gabe. I kinda wish I had.

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还好盖伯没有在儿童座椅上!Good thing Gabe wasn't in the child seat!

参加婚礼的只有加伯和弗吉尼亚.克劳福德。Only Gabe and Virginia Crawford were there.

我的一个室友叫加布,来自费城。One of my roommates is named Gabe and he is from Philadelphia.

当他知道我来自温泉城的时候,他告诉我加伯。克劳福德是他的好朋友。When he found out I was from Hot Springs, he told me Gabe Crawford was a good friend of his.

他祝福他的父母,妹妹,跟盖伯有一个愉快的假日,然后骑著车经过脚踏车道,去找亚舍。He wished his parents, sister, and Gabe a happy day, and rode down the bicycle path, looking for Asher.

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它把19年来的努力,加布,它只是接近的限制单一Modeler可以实现的东西。The effort Gabe put into it in 19 years, it's just something that is close the the limits a single modeler can achieve.

我告诉他,加伯一直是我老爸最好的朋友,所以,休放弃了另一个竞选人,转而支持我。When I replied that Gabe had been Daddy’s best friend, Hugh got out of his commitment to the other guy and supported me.

加布认为他的学校需要“更多的课程和老师以满足学生不同的爱好和事业需求。”Gabe believes his school needs "more of a variety of classes and more teachers because of the differences in student interests and careers.

我给她智慧,让她明白好丈夫从不伤害妻子,但有时会考验她的力量,考验她是否有决心毫不迟疑站在他的身边。I gabe her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.

约翰·霍普金斯大学的医师和急诊部主任盖比·凯伦说,很多人可以在家就可以搜索到猪流感的症状。"A huge number of people at home have the ability to search for disease symptoms," says Gabe Kelen, a physician and chair of the emergency department at Johns Hopkins University.

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约翰·霍普金斯大学的医师和急诊部主任盖比·凯伦说,很多人可以在家就可以搜索到猪流感的症状。"A huge number of people at home have the ability to search for disease symptoms, " says Gabe Kelen, a physician and chair of the emergency department at Johns Hopkins University.