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踝状突位于核后端的植入窝中。The capitulum is inside the implantation fossa.

深离子注入调整源漏穿通电压。Deep ion implantation modulates punch -through voltage.

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组进行同种异体内侧半月板移植。Allogenic medial menisci implantation were done in group A.

不确定是着床性出血还是月经?检查颜色。Not sure if it is implantation bleeding or period? Check the color.

结果支架型人工血管均顺利植入。Results Stent-graft implantation was successful in all the patients.

PCI包括球囊扩张及冠状动脉内支架的植入。PCI includes balloon angioplasty and implantation of intracoronary stent.

结论子宫内膜异位种植是本症的主要发病机制。Conclusion The major pathogenesis is endometrium ectopia and implantation.

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就像在床上磁性的温柔撕拽着床被。Just like in the bed magnetic gentle tearing by dragging the implantation.

结果所有下腔静脉滤器植入和手术取栓都获得了成功,效果明显。Results All the implantation of IVC filter and embolectomy were successful.

置入药物洗脱支架时常规应用IVUS是否有必要?有没有益处?And is it necessary or beneficial to use IVUS routinely for DES implantation?

探讨降钙素对小鼠胚泡发育及植入的影响。Calcitonin can promote the development and implantation of mouse blastocysts.

着床就是受精卵进入了妇女的子宫。That would be the implantation of the fertilized egg into the woman's uterus.

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高宏健,董戬,胡墨气管支架置入的临床应用★。Gao H. -J. , Dong J. , Hu M. Clinical application of tracheal stent implantation.

因此它越来越成为种植学家所推祟的一种种植方式。So, more and more it has been a recommended technology of implantation by doctors.

两腿同时先向右侧,尽量涉及床面,背部紧贴着床。Two legs and right, try to involve first to bed face, back is clingy implantation.

结论新型弹性开放襻前房型人工晶状体植入是安全而有效的。Conclusion New flexible open loop AC IOL is safe and effective for IOL implantation.

所有病例均一次手术成功,仅一例发生子宫穿孔,为产后胎盘植入病例。In the remaining 1 patient, uterus was perforated, who was placenta implantation case.

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提示它们可能参与小鼠胚泡的着床过程。It suggests that these integrins may take part in the process of implantation in mouse.

支架置入术是治疗颈动脉狭窄安全、效的方法。Stent implantation is a safe and effective method in the treatment of carotid stenosis.

结论电灼术止血在永久起搏器植入术中的应用安全、有效。Conclusion The electrocautery is safe and effective in permanent pacemaker implantation.