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我有一支水彩笔。I have a marker.

我喜欢这支红色的记号笔。I ike the red marker.

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你的水彩笔在哪里?Where is your marker?

请给我一只水彩笔。Give me a marker please.

可以借给我记号笔吗?。May I Borrow Your Marker?

我认为它是一个风险标记物。I think it's a marker of risk.

看!一支荧光笔和一些蜡笔。Look! A marker and some crayons.

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把色笔放回铅笔盒。Put the marker in the pencil case.

如遇到生词请用记号笔标出。Use a yellow marker for new words.

界碑只是一种标识。A boundary marker is only a symbol.

可是她找不到她的蓝色水彩笔了。But she can't find her blue marker.

珍妮。史密斯的蓝色水彩笔在哪儿呢?。Where is Jenny Smith's blue marker?

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IMA做为心肌损伤的标记IMA as a marker of myocardial injury

看!一个水彩笔和许多蜡笔!Look! Oh, a marker and some crayons!

把记号笔放进铅笔盒。Put the marker in the pencil cottom.

标记注释没有变量。Marker annotations have no variables.

这个哨站用作标界。The post served as a bound-ary marker.

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珍妮很高兴找到了她的蓝色水彩笔。Jenny is happy to find her blue marker.

他用铅字笔在书上作记号。He made a mark on the book with a marker.

裙边叶形具有可作为标记性状的潜在利用价值。It could be used as a new genetic marker.