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哺乳是哺乳动物的本能。Suckling is an instinct in mammals.

我们的特色菜是烤乳猪。Our restaurant specializes in roasted suckling pig.

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大堰河,今天你的乳儿是在狱里。Dayanhe, your suckling is composing in prison today.

她死时,乳儿不在她的旁侧。But when she died, her suckling was not by her bedside.

从上周六开始,索法已经被管制得每天只能去吃一次牛奶了。Since Saturday, he has limited the suckling to once a day.

Kimberley中国餐厅,烤乳猪Kimberley Chinese Restaurant’s Roasted Suckling Pig, Hong Kong

在巴黎饥饿的人可能要芒果,乳猪,和豆类。A hungry person in Bali may want mangoes, suckling pig, and beans.

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但过一会儿后,他们会厌倦并放慢速度。Then after a while they get bored and their suckling rate reduced.

烤乳猪是最有名的广东特色菜。Roast suckling pig is the most famous speciality of Cantonese food.

吮吸导致母亲体内催产素和催乳素的释放。Suckling causes the release of oxytocin and prolactin in the mother.

这两种菜系的著名特色菜分别是烤乳猪和北京烤鸭。The famous specialities of these two are roast suckling pig and roast Beijing duck.

此外,还对舍饲条件熊的交配、产仔、哺乳及仔熊发育进行了观察。Besides, researches were made on mating, bearing suckling and growth of the baby bear.

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准备一道烤活人大餐是闻所未闻见所未见的,然而却不那么可能转过脸不看。The preparation of a man a la suckling pig is grotesque yet impossible to turn away from.

撒母耳就把一只吃奶的羊羔献与耶和华作全牲的燔祭,为以色列人呼求耶和华。Then Samuel took a suckling lamb and offered it up as a whole burnt offering to the LORD.

食物一样,只烧乳猪,清蒸鸡,水果和酒者在。Food like roasted suckling pig, steamed chicken, fruit and wine are offered during the ceremony.

玩具娃娃的嘴触碰到花里的感应器时,就会做出吮吸的动作,发出吃奶的声音。When the doll's mouth is brought to a sensor in the flower, it makes suckling motions and sounds.

受金融海啸影响,有扫墓者选择纸乳猪祭品。Affected by the financial tsunami, some grave- sweepers opted for paper suckling pigs as offerings.

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这家店虽然以乳猪著称,烧鹅却做得十分入味。Despite this place being famous for their suckling pig, the roast goose is flavorful inside and out.

首先,婴儿当听到一个反复声音如“b”时,会被测量吮吸速度。First, infants' suckling rates were measured while they were exposed to one repeated sound, say the 'b'.

他必须戒掉自己吮吸他人能量的恶习,而成为一个充满活力的能源体并不断向外放射这种正能量。He must wean himself from suckling the energy of others and become a vibrant transmitter of energy himself.