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运动健儿们。Sport athletes.

我喜欢这项运动。I love this sport.

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网球是一项艰苦的运动。Tennis is a hard sport.

他非常喜欢文体活动。He's very fond of sport.

慢跑是一种自由的运动。Jogging is a salo sport.

我要作一个堂堂正正的人。I am going to be a sport.

这就像是极限运动。It is like extreme sport.

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这真是一项有福的运动。Man, what a blessed sport.

她对体育活动兴头很大。She is very keen on sport.

我所有的比赛服都是自己买的。I buy all my sport clothes.

你最喜欢哪项运动?Which sport do you like best?

棒球是美国的国球。Baseball is an American sport.

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气排球运动是一项新兴的体育项目。Gas Volleyball is a new sport.

我最喜欢的运动是打乒乓球。My favorite sport is pingpong.

我们都参加冬季运动。We all go in for winter sport.

周六的早晨时运动时间。Saturday morning is sport time.

特技飞行是危险的运动。Aerobatics is a dangerous sport.

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猎鸟是为了乐趣。Game birds are hunted for sport.

斯诺克在中国是个大型的运动。Snooker is a big sport in China.

铝合金运动型轮椅。Sport Aluminum-alloy Wheelchairs.