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六个鞋砧,练出一个鞋匠。Six awl make a shoemaker.

亚侗·史密斯是镇上有名蹬鞋境。Adam Smith a famous shoemaker in town.

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1994年7月,慧星“皮鞋匠”——利维撞击了木星。In July 1994, the Comet Shoemaker -Levy collided with Jupiter.

现在制鞋工人有一些钱。制鞋工人买皮革。Now the shoemaker had some money. The shoemaker bought leather.

城里一个富有的鞋匠把她的小脚量了一下——这件事是在他自己店里、在他自己的一个小房间里做的。The rich shoemaker in the city took the measure of her little foot.

我认为,我不能做一个好的国王。请你把我变回去。I think I can't be a good king, so can you make me to be a shoemaker?

卡尔,舒迈克获得了两张有很高透支额信用卡。Kyle Shoemaker has been given two credit cards with very high limits.

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金属工匠不做鞋子,鞋匠不做武器。A metalworker doesn't make shoes, and a shoemaker doesn't make weapons.

我买下沙发,拦了辆出租,直接又往我的鞋匠那儿奔去。I bought the sofa, hailed a taxi and headed, once again, for my shoemaker.

这位鞋匠帮助它们重修了蚁丘,蚂蚁们答应将来会回报他的帮助。The shoemaker helped them rebuild it, and the ants offered to return the favor.

鞋匠坐在他的工作凳上歌唱,帽匠歌唱着,站在那里工作。Thee shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands.

鞋匠仔细察看了这张皮子以后才开始裁剪鞋帮儿。The shoemaker carefully examined the leather before starting to cut out the uppers.

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杨飞翔的淘宝网店的第一笔生意,是来自国内制鞋企业奥康。Yang got his first deal from the domestic shoemaker Aokang for an online shop at Taobao.

上述那位温州鞋厂老板说,她并不害怕高利贷,也不担心政府对非银行信贷的打击。The Wenzhou shoemaker says she isn*t fearful of loan sharks or a crackdown on the nonbank sector.

在刘寨镇四街,大家都知晓老鞋匠铁全水,技巧娴熟、勤快厚道。In Liu Zhaizhen Fourth Street, we all know the old shoemaker iron full of water, skilful, diligent and kind.

鞋匠回到店的后面去,几分钟后又回来了,手里提着那双鞋子。The shoemaker went out to the back of his shop -and a few minutes later returned , carrying the pair of shoes.

同样的一个城镇、同样的一群人,这位老鞋匠却对两位年轻人做了不同的形容与描述。As a town, the same group of people, the old shoemaker was on two young people do different description and description.

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皮鞋匠看看妹妹,月光照在她的那恬静的脸上,照着她睁得大大的眼睛。Shoemaker looked at his sister, the moonlight had shined on her peaceful face, which showed she was goggled her big eyes.

终于,在用武力威胁一名贫困的擦鞋匠时,反被擦鞋匠夺刀砍死。Finally, the threat of the use of force in the rubbing of a poor shoemaker, the anti-seize was knifed dead rubbed shoemaker.

鞋匠一声不吭,背上的面包越来越重,汗流满面,脸色阴沉。The shoemaker spoke never a word, the heavy bread weighed down his back until the sweat streamed down his cross and gloomy face.