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一辆拖车正托运我们的巴士。A haulage truck is towing our bus.

拖运距离并不十分远。Haulage distances are not excessively long.

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公路拖运及运输专业展会。International trade fair on the road haulage and transport sector.

介绍了国内矿用小绞车现状及一种新型运输绞车的设计思想。Introduces the status of the mine winch and the basic ideas about the new style of haulage winch.

特为长途跋涉的重型拖板车使用,尤能抗拒肋条撕裂,优越的公路与非公路子午线胎纹。Specially designed for heavy load haulage to tackle rib tearing problem. On and off road patten for radial casing.

英国的卡车司机抬着棺材在伦敦游行以表示运输行业末日的即将到来。British lorry drivers have paraded coffins through London as a token of the imminent demise of the haulage industry.

在诸多煤矿发生的事故中,除一些恶性事故外,大部分伤亡事故属于运输事故。Among various accidents, except those fatal accidents in coal mines, most accident casualty belongs to haulage accident.

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设计和制造用于道路和现场非正常运输的重型推拉设备和自力推进的模块式拖车。Designer and manufacturer of heavy haulage towed and self-propelled modular trailers for road and on site abnormal transport.

根据预测模型计算出的未来几年我国公路货运量对我国汽车工业、能源工业和交通部门都具有较高的参考价值。The forecast volume of road haulage in the future years is of gerat value to automobile, energy and communication industries.

Vayro是面前未来的一款概念货车,旨在满足2020年日益增长的长途公路货物托运服务的需要。TheVayro is a future track concept to meet the increasing freight requirement oflong-distance road haulage for the year 2020.

但是,辅助船闸没有牵引设备,因此双闸拖轮需要有特殊的牵引船协助。However, the auxiliary lock is not equipped with tow haulage equipment, so double lockage tows require special pull boat assistance.

大型露天矿运输道路质量的好坏直接关系到矿用汽车运行成本和运输效率。The quality of the haulage road in a large-scale open pit directly affects the operating costs and haulage efficiency of the trucks.

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本文介绍这种圆沉箱的设计及拖运方法,并讨论了改进设计的初步想法。The design and haulage of these caissions are introduced in this paper. Some suggestions for improving the design are also discussed.

基于DSP开发出一款矿用电机车蓄电池充电的开关电源式智能充电机。The paper developed a new kind of intelligent power switch charger for storage battery of mine-used haulage motor on the basis of DSP.

最终确定,公路-胶带联合运输和公路运输分别为矿石和废石运输的最佳方案。Ultimately, the truck-belt conveyor haulage and the motor haulage are decided as optimal schemes of ore and rock haulage respectively.

并以一装载机为计算实例,得到匹配后的输出特性曲线和牵引特性曲线。Taking a loader for calculation example, the output characteristic curve and the haulage characteristic curve were acquired after matching.

文章运用电力拖动的基本原理对港口门机生产实际中出现的重载溜钩现象进行了详细准确的分析。This paper gives detailed and accurate analysis to hook gliding at heavy load for gantry crane with the basic principle of electric haulage.

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现代化矿井自动化采煤技术的发展,对采煤机电牵引控制提出了更高的要求。With the development of the coal winning automatic technology, high request for haulage controlling of the coal winning machine is produced.

孝义铝矿索道运输矿斗经常出现掉斗现象,严重影响山西铝厂的矿石供应。The frequent bucket falling accidents of aerial ropeway haulage in Xiaoyi Bauxite Mine greatly influence the ore delivery to Shanxi Aluminum Works.

叙述了滚筒式采煤机的发展过程,分析了电牵引采煤机的结构和技术特征。This paper expounds the development history of the drum-type shearer, and analyzes the structure and technical features of electrical haulage shearer.