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今天是中国记者节。Today is the Journalist day.

陈燕喆并非一位深入调查的记走。Chen is not an investigative journalist.

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他在一家当地报馆担任记者。He works as a journalist on a local paper.

如今,任何拥有博客的人都可以成为新闻工作者。Now anyone with a blog can be a journalist.

大卫·卡博尔是生活在东京的记者。David Capel is a journalist living in Tokyo.

他给记者拍了两份加急电报。He sent the journalist two urgent telegrams.

帕弗洛·特斯马斯是驻希腊的一名记者。Pavlos Tsimas is a journalist based in Greece.

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当我还是个孩子的时候,就想成为一名记者。When I was a kid, I wanted to be a journalist.

这个记者拒绝透露消息的来源。The journalist refused to disclose her sources.

正和中央电视台的记者李魏音谈话。talking to Li Weiyin,a journalist from the CCTV.

她是金融记者,写文章都署名。She is a financial journalist with her own by-line.

这件丑闻是被一位消息灵通的新闻记者发现的。The scandal was dug up by a well-informed journalist.

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海伦娜•艾夫森是一位驻北京的自由撰稿人。Helena Iveson is a Beijing-based freelance journalist.

帕金斯回忆说,那是一个记者的黄金时期。Perkins recalls it as a great time to be a journalist.

人们想成为最好的医生或最好的记者。You want to be the best doctor or the best journalist.

作者是一名作家、新闻记者,住在柏林。Elizabeth Pond is a Berlin-based author and journalist.

特里•斯莱文,自由撰稿人,居于伦敦。Terry Slavin is a freelance journalist based in London.

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仅仅一个学期,我就决定要去作一名记者。Within a single semester, I decided to be a journalist.

我在旅馆登记薄上以新闻记者的身份登了记。I set myself down as a journalist in the hotel register.

记者卢利特。安达马李安说这是美国的时刻。Journalist Lulit Amdamariam calls it an American moment.