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三军指挥机构已加以充实。Navy command to enrich already.

点染出她眼里的笑意。Enrich that smile her eyes began.

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港龙地毯,为您生活添姿彩!Golden Dragon Carpet Enrich Your Lives!

花博不但充实我们的心灵。The Expowill not only enrich our souls.

音乐为我的生活增添情趣,并振奋我的精神。Music enrich my life and lift my spirit.

把肥料或混合肥料混在土里使土壤肥沃。Mix in manure or compost to enrich the soil.

第五、学有余力之时,丰富自己的课余生活。Fifth, , learn to spare time, enrich my life.

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致富的方法很多,大都是不干不净。The ways to enrich are many, and most of them foul.

课外活动真的丰富了我们的学校生活。After-class activities really enrich our school life.

首先,泛读能让我们获得更多的知识。First of all, reading extensively can enrich us more.

在种植前给土壤增肥很重要。It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting.

当你丰富他人的生活时你也在丰富自己的生活。As you enrich the lives of others you enrich your own.

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群岛继续为火山学领域的研究提供丰富的素材。The site continues to enrich the field of vulcanology.

这些有趣的活动创意卡片能丰富你的大宝宝玩乐的世界!Enrich your baby's world of play with fun activity cards!

我们天天都用补血安全套!We are used everyday enrich the blood bring complete set!

口感丰富,黄桃和香蕉味浓郁。Peach and banana flavors enrich the complexity in the mouth.

有浪漫的情怀,撩动夜的上海。The romanticism of the bar enrich the night life of Shanghai.

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他们创造的隐语、歇后语、谚语等丰富了中国的语言。The argot and proverb created by them enrich Chinese language.

经常吃蚝可使皮肤润泽光滑、洁白美观。Often eat oysters can enrich the skin smooth, white appearance.

丰富的越桔提取物,橙提取物,柠檬提取物。Enrich with Bilberry Extract, Orange Extract, and Lemon Extract.