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船上可没有雄辩天才。There was no oratorical talent in the ship.

你愿意担任下周演讲比赛的评判员吗?Will you judge the oratorical contest next week?

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他的雄辩在听众中不起反响。His oratorical efforts evoked no response in his audience.

尽管还有许多事情要做,她仍然保持着演说家的活力。She retained her oratorical bounce when there was so much more to do.

他在文学方面的成就比演说方面的成就要大一些。He succeed better in his literary work than in his oratorical efforts.

我曾获得校英语演讲比赛第一名。I won the first place in the English Oratorical Contest at our university.

演讲比赛的裁决由九位教授组成的评判委员会作出。The award for the oratorical contest was made by a jury of nine professors.

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他演说的技艺推进了他作为成功律师和政治家的事业。His oratorical skill furthered his career as a successful lawyer and politician.

我弟弟开始叙述,用他那一贯的雄辩的足以吸引整个部落的眼神的演说风格。My brother began to dictate in his best oratorical style, the one which has the tribes hanging on his words.

对于未来的发展,凭借不错的口才,周苏红有可能在浙江省体育局走上仕途。For future development, with good oratorical skills, Zhou Suhong possible career path Zhejiang Sports Bureau.

奥巴马应该利用他雄辩的技能以及对新兴媒体的控制与美国民众亲密接触。Obama should use his oratorical skills and mastery of new media to sell his program directly to the American people.

我们政法系的英语演讲比赛到此就圆满结束了,同时也为我们的英语周划上了一个美满的句号。It is time to end our English Oratorical Contest by the Politics and Law Department, also a full stop of the English Week.

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如何解释他将获得约摆脱目前的混乱将他阿尔巴尼斯的演说的权力,同样激烈的考验。Explaining how he is going to get Rio out of its current mess will put Mr Albanese's oratorical powers to a similarly stiff test.

他的法律和政治演讲文已成为拉丁文用语的典范,而其雄辩的文笔与所表现的演讲风格则被人成为“西塞罗体”。His legal and political speeches are models of Latin diction. His eloquent, oratorical manner of writing, described as Ciceronian.

“西赛罗”风格是指西赛罗之雄辩的修辞写作风格,这种风格对欧洲散文写作产生了巨大的影响。Ciceronian means Cicero's eloquent, oratorical manner of writing, which has had an enormous influence on the development of European prose.

最后道格拉斯虽获连任,但林肯在反奴隶制立场和演说时表现的才气让他成为新成立的共和党里的全国英雄人物。Douglas won reelection, but Lincoln's antislavery position and oratorical brilliance made him a national figure in the young Republican Party.

我告诉他,我想帮并不擅长辞令的迈克.杜卡基斯给观众们留下一个好印象,而且我完全没有想象到会取得这样的“成功”。I told him I wanted to make Mike Dukakis, who wasn’t known for his oratorical skills, look good, and I succeeded beyond my wildest imagination.

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与这愚蠢的演说挑衅相匹配的还有日益不容异说、对许多泰米尔人的怀疑及对那些貌似猛虎“合作者”的威胁。This foolish oratorical provocation has been matched by increasing intolerance of dissent, suspicion of many Tamils and threats against those seen as Tiger "collaborators".

愚蠢的演讲激怒了泰米尔人的不满和猜疑,还威胁到那些被视为猛虎组织的“合作者”。This foolish oratorical provocation has been matched by increasing intolerance of dissent, suspicion of many Tamils and threats against those seen as Tiger “collaborators”.

我现在和当年在中学参加演讲比赛时一样,身上都印着作为瓦茨之子的烙印。I bear the same mark as a son of Watts now that I did during that oratorical contest in high school. I may be personally less vulnerable to it today, but I am nevertheless influenced by it.