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游泳者游到了岸边。The swimmer gained the shore.

王刚是一个很好的游泳运发动。Wang Gang is a very good swimmer.

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他是短跑健将,而不怎么游泳选手。He is more a sprinter than a swimmer.

是的,她游得好。她是游泳高手。Yes, she does. She is a good swimmer.

丽贝卡•阿德林顿。她是一位厉害的游泳运动员。Rebecca Adlington. She's a big swimmer.

他自命为游泳最快的人。He fancies himself as the fastest swimmer.

克里斯蒂娜是奥林匹克花样游泳选手。Kristina is an Olympic synchronized swimmer.

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我本身就是如此,以前我是个游泳选手。I did that in undergraduate. I was a swimmer.

但是今天庄泳战胜了这位美国游泳运动员。But today Zhuang Yong beat the American swimmer.

我是游泳健将——曾获得许多奖牌。I am a champion swimmer – I have won many medals.

他夸口说他是本市最优秀的游泳者。He boasted that he was the best swimmer in the city.

苔萨是一位好歌手,但是她的泳技很差。Tessa is a very good singer, but a very poor swimmer.

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他是一个专业的游泳运动员,还在省队办公。He is a professional swimmer and employee of the state.

长距离游泳者有着难以置信的耐力。The long-distance swimmer had incredible staying power.

作为地球上游泳最快的人你感觉如何?How does it feel to be the planet's fastest-ever swimmer?

我的堂弟是个很好的潜水者,更别说他泳技很好了。My cousin is an excellent diver , not to mention a swimmer.

最终,赛百味决定继续向菲尔普斯提供赞助。Ultimately Subway continued its sponsorship of the swimmer.

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牛是快速又稳健的游泳健将,所以肯定会赢。The ox was a fast and steady swimmer and was certain to win.

那个游泳者看见前面有陆地时,大大地加快了他的速度。When he saw the land ahead, the swimmer redoubled his speed.

游泳者跳进水中,奋力游走了。The swimmer dived into the water and swam energetically away.