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气压式头部音乐按摩器。Pneumatic Head music massager.

新的充气橡胶轮胎。New pneumatic tyres, of rubber.

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风钻的发明。The invention of pneumatic drill.

气动工具就是其中之一。The pneumatic tool is one of them.

采用气动离合器控制。It adoptss pneumatic cluth to control.

气动环链葫芦是葫芦的一种。Pneumatic chain hoist is a kind of gourd.

方钻杆旋转器典型地采用气动方式。The kelly spinner is typically pneumatic.

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气动球阀是由旋塞阀演变而来。Pneumatic valve was evolved from the plug.

创建气动和液压原理图。Create pneumatic plans and hydraulic plans.

另配有气运退销装置。It has pneumatic device to release the pin.

锚杆钻机气动马达是该设备的核心部件。Pneumatic motor is a kernel part of the roof bolter.

有气动和液压控制方面的经验。Some experience in pneumatic and hydraulic controls.

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生产和销售气动工具的企业。The production and sale of pneumatic tools businesses.

这个气动工具可以把装配的速度提高一倍。This pneumatic tool will double the speed of assembly.

筑路工人用气动钻钻碎路面。Road workers use pneumatic hammers to break up pavement.

请提供贵公司所使用的气动量仪的型号。Please provide the mode of pneumatic micrometer you used.

不应使用气动变送器和控制器。Pneumatic transmitters and controllers shall not be used.

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该部分采用气动下压式触板。This unit features a pneumatic down-pressure touch-board.

前缘缝翼用增压系统的热引气加温。Wing leading slats use hot air from the pneumatic system.

气动抛动慢拉脱水装置。Pneumatic throwing and slow-lifting dey dration instrument.