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舵机系泊测验。Mooring test of steering gear.

在斯帕,转向齿条坏了。In Spa the steering rack broke.

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技术指导小组的设置。Technical Steering Group setup.

每转向柱是不同的。Every Steering Stem is different.

他们在接受操舵训练。They are training for the steering.

以我的方向盘为例。Look, think about my steering wheel.

年轻的驾手小心望。A young steersman steering with care.

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操舵装置无缺性检查。Inspecting integrity of steering gear.

转动方向盘不累吗?Tired of spinning that steering wheel?

我们需要福特的转向助力泵。We want to buy power steering for FORD.

安装转向机上的万向节。Fit universal joint on the steering gear.

从转向机上拆下万向节。Remove universal joint from steering gear.

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拆去连接支撑架到球销的固定夹。Remove the steering knuckle from the strut.

然而,这一指导性集团不会是一个14国集团。But this Steering Group would not be a G-14.

不经心的驾驶使风吹到帆的下风面来了。Careless steering brought the wind by the lee.

将万向节从转向轴上拔下。Pull universal joint off the steering spindle.

拆下转向轴处的万向节。Remove universal joint at the steering spindle.

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我们需要转向助力泵,请与我们联系。We need power steering pump, please contact us.

你知道舵机有什么毛病了吗?Do you have what's wrong with the steering gear?

我的一个朋友就把铁圈拆下了!A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off.