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您可以使用它重新验证某个特性,而无需验证整个文档。You can use it to revalidate an attribute without validating an entire document.

在首次认可之后你们是否负责定期重新验证产品和工艺流程?Do you undertake to revalidate products and processes periodic after 1st off approval?

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当一个新用户向我们的系统注册时,我们并非真的需要重新验证该用户。When a new user registers with our system, we do not really need to revalidate that user.

我们应该不时地重新审视我们的实践,并让基础的假设重新有效。We should reexamine our practices from time to time and revalidate the underlying assumptions.

如果用户将应用程序设置为联机状态,事件处理程序会尝试重新验证用户。If the user sets the application to the online state, the event handler attempts to revalidate the user.

如需要回程之乘客,请再重新确认八达通卡或购买单程票,多谢你使用轻铁服务。If you want to make a return journey , please revalidate your octopus card or buy a new single-ride ticket.

透过中继快取满足要求之前,该快取必须使用伺服器重新确认其快取的项目。Before the request can be satisfied by an intermediate cache, that cache must revalidate its cached entry with the server.

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过去,要在文档修改后对它进行重新验证,必须将它保存为一个文件,再用验证解析器读回去。In the past, to revalidate your document once it had been modified you had to save it to a file and read it back with a validating parser.

下列范例程式码将示范如何使用这个方法,在应用程式离开离线状态时以无讯息模式重新验证使用者。The following example code demonstrates how to use this method to silently revalidate a user when the application leaves the offline state.

如需要回程之乘客,请再重新确认八达通卡或购买单程票,多谢你使用轻铁服务。If you want to make a return journey, please revalidate your octopus card or buy a new single-ride ticket. Thank you for using the Light Rail services.

组织还可以利用商业决策标准来取消或者投资组合定义时的项目或者计划,即便他们已经处于计划或者实施阶段。Organizations can also use the business decision criteria to revalidate or cancel projects or programs that are already in the planning or implementation stage when the portfolio is defined.