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浙江大学图书馆有各种各样的图书。Chekiang university library has a wide variety of books.

根据白崇禧说,这个体系已经在浙江执行。According to Pai, this system had already been implemented in Chekiang.

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在湖南省中西部丘陵地区,乡村集镇则是居民生活中的重要场所。Daishan Island is situated in the northeast of Chekiang province, where there are 18 great temples.

蒋伯诚,当时任国民党浙江省防军司令。Chiang Po-cheng was then the commander of the Kuomintang peace preservation corps in Chekiang Province.

浙江金衢盆地白垩系红层,共发现二个化石孢粉组合。Two fossil spore-pollen assemblages are found in the Cretaceous red beds of Jin Ju Basin, Chekiang Province.

浙江师范大学体育学校网球专项男生发球技术特征分析。Analysis on serving arts of male students who major tennis ball in palestra of chekiang teacher's university.

蒋生于上海附近的浙江省,据说他自称是一个中国古代帝王的后裔。Born in Chekiang Province, not far from Shanghai, Chiang reportedly claimed kinship with an ancient king of China.

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在江浙,国民党的战线已被击破,日寇正向南京和长江流域进攻。Kiangsu and Chekiang Provinces, the Japanese aggressors have broken through the Kuomintang's battle lines and are advancing on Nanking and the Yangtse valley.

在江浙,国民党的战线已被击破,日寇正向南京和长江流域进攻。In Kiangsu and Chekiang Provinces, the Japanese aggressors have broken through the Kuomintang's battle lines and are advancing on Nanking and the Yangtse valley.

苍南县喜力工艺礼品厂座落于在浙南文化商标城、中国印刷城及中国礼品城的龙港镇。The Cangna County Xili Craft Present Factory is located in the South Chekiang culture trademark city, the Chinese printing city and Chinese present city Longgang Town.

发展养猪事业要有一套奖励办法,浙江省上华合作社的经验可供各地参考。A set of measures should be devised to reward pig-raising and the experience of the Shanghua Co-operative in Chekiang Province can serve for the reference of all localities.

大片的桑树林、果园,以及开阔的水面景观展示了江浙水乡的田园风光。You can find around the hotel there are lots of mulberry and fruit trees, the open water landscape, and numerous scenic spots, which display the beautiful scene of Kiangsu and Chekiang countryside.

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结合具体工艺实例,系统讨论了小湖羊毛革一体皮坯制作的工艺流程、原理等,并探讨了浸水、浸酸、铬鞣等操作过程中需要注意的技术关键。The detailed manufacturing technology and mechanism of Chekiang lamb skin double-face was introduced. The key points in the process, such as soaking, pickling, chrome tanning etc were also discussed.