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我常骑自行车。I cycle a lot.

我喜欢读书,读很多书,常常在深更半夜读。I read. A lot.

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我烟抽得很厉害。I smoke a lot.

很多的对话?A lot of dialog?

多多的原谅我。Forgave me a lot.

我真的非常喜欢它。I like it, a lot.

我很喜欢猫I like cats a lot.

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你经常滑冰吗?Do you skate a lot?

他出了很多汗。He perspires a lot.

无需支付场地费!No lot fees to pay!

我得到了很多哀怜。I got a lot of pity.

是的,要花很多钱。Yes, a lot of money.

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我得多学学英语了。I get a lot knowlege.

真是一派激起千层派啊。That is a lot of pie.

我们会有很多的乐趣。We have a lot of fun.

是啊,雨势实在很大。Yeah, it rains a lot.

不过有很多垃圾。A lot of junk, though.

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我想多学点东西。I want to learn a lot.

我需要大量的能量。Ineed a lot of energy.

因此说领导力非常重要So this matters a lot.