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犹太受诫礼是男孩成年的标志。A Bar Mitzvah marks a boy's passage into adulthood.

你在辱骂他人的时候,请问问自己的德行。You are in abuse other when, ask oneself mitzvah excuse me.

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所以,高尚的德行是一个领导干部政治生命的根基。So, exalted mitzvah is a basis that leads cadre politics life.

因为这样做的唯一理由就是为了天国而遵守我们犹太人的一条法律。For this is performing a mitzvah solely for the sake of Heaven.

据我所知,他从来没有为婚礼和受洗拍过照片。For all I know, he’s never photographed a wedding or bar mitzvah in his life.

可以让我们独处一下吗?你要说些比成年礼更糟糕的话吗?。Could you excuse us?You're gonna say something worse than the bar mitzvah remark ?

耶路撒冷名胜图片。犹太人集合在西方的墙壁读律法当一个受戒仪式典礼。Jews gather at the Western Wall to read the Torah during a bar mitzvah celebration.

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你们看,这么弄的话你们可以把任何曲子都弄成犹太受诫礼或者其他类似风格的音乐。You know, you can turn this whole thing into a Jewish bar mitzvah or something like that.

王菲就其违法背德行为不享有隐私权。Wang Fei violates back mitzvah to counterpoise to do not enjoy privacy with respect to its.

有时候书不能改变一个人的品性和德行,不能让坏人变成好人。Sometimes books can't change behaviour or mitzvah of a man, and can't make a bad man become a great man.

郊区比较放浪的女性成年礼派对甚至拿迷你钢管当舞蹈道具。And mini-poles have even been spotted as dance props at extravagant bat mitzvah parties in suburban precincts.

与此同时,在开发出产品之前微软公司实验室的技术已差不多接近成熟。Meanwhile, advances from Microsoft’s labs can approach bar mitzvah age before finding their way into products.

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因为以色列民族的使命就是“光照外邦人”,所以传讲福音就成为了他自己的戒命。And since the mission of Israel was "to bring light to the goyim", preaching the gospel became his own mitzvah.

卡茨还在为一对同性夫妇的孩子筹备受诫礼,这尚属首次,也象征着时代的发展。In another sign of changing times, Katz is also planning the first bar mitzvah of the child of same-sex parents.

收到的场合可能是毕业,转正,找到第一份工作,也可能是成年礼。One's first watch is often a gift -- anything from a Timex on up -- received at graduation, confirmation, first job or Bar Mitzvah.

戒香。即自心中无非.无恶。无嫉妒无贪嗔无劫害。名戒香。The Mitzvah Incense, which means that our mind is free from taints of misdeeds, evil jealousy, avarice, anger, spoliation , and hatred.

古德曼的一个病人始终不能脱离的怨恨就是他的母亲没有被妻子家人邀请去参加受诫礼。Oneclient Goldman is counseling is still stuck on the fact that his mother wasn'tinvited to a bar mitzvah on the wife's side of the family.

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可也不能输给凯尔那帮犹太小男生啊。我想我们得承认,对方手段太野蛮了。Yes, but you don't have to lose to Kyle Bernstein's bar mitzvah party. I think we have to acknowledge, those were some fairly savage preadolescent Jews.

中学毕业或成年的孩子应该能列出自己感谢信对象的单子,写下内容和地址,贴上邮票并寄出去,然后检查寄信情况。By graduation from middle school or Bar Mitzvah age children should be able to make their own list, write and address each note, stamp and mail it, and check off the list.