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购物中心现在成了大众的镇痛剂。The shopping mall is now the opiate of the masses.

看它露水一般微弱的朦朦雾气,从黄金轮廓中散发出来。An opiate vapor, dewy, dim, Exhales from out her golden rim.

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这个比例是全世界各高发地区的最高比例之一。This is one of the world's highest rates of opiate addiction.

对我来说,吹小号就是最纯的音乐镇静剂。For me, playing the trumpet is the opiate of music in its purest form.

海洛因是一种鸦片剂,直接由罂粟提炼而成。Heroin is an opiate processed directly from the extracts of the opium poppy.

尽管时间可以麻痹和冲淡一切,但现在读起信来仍旧令人心痛不已,不忍卒读。It is almost too painful to read now, even with the mellowing opiate of time passed.

在我看来,体育运动是人们的精神鸦片,这一点昔日罗马的君王很早也已经感觉到了。To me, sports are the opiate of the people, as the Roman emperors discovered long ago.

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鸦片受体阻断剂纳洛酮能有效地阻断吗啡和亮啡肽的兴奋作用。The excitement effect was effectively blocked by the specific opiate receptor blocker-naloxone.

看着他和镇静剂奋力抗争的样子,我几乎忍不住要笑出声来。I could scarcely keep from laughing outright to see him struggling against the effects of the opiate.

目前,国际上治疗海洛因等阿片类药物成瘾的主要方法为美沙酮替代维持法等药物替代疗法。Today, there are some treatments on opiate addiction such as methadone-maintained treatment and so on.

美沙酮是一种被广泛用于戒毒的口服药物,但该药在俄罗斯却属违法药物。Methadone, which is administered orally and widely used to treat opiate addiction, is illegal in Russia.

提示埃托啡诱导神经细胞凋亡的途径可能不通过阿片受体。So those suggest etorphine may induce apoptosis of neuronal cell, which may not be mediated by opiate receptor.

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空肠平滑肌上兴奋性NT敏感受体的结构与阿片受体相关。The structure of excitatory NT-sensitive receptor on jejunal smooth muscle may be associated with opiate receptor.

其他计划包括建议扩大警司警诫计划的适用范围至轻微的鸦片罪行。Other plans include the proposed extension of the Superintendent's Discretion Scheme to cover minor opiate offences.

如果卡尔·马克思的论断“宗教是群众的鸦片”是正确的话,那么体育对大众来说或许是最甜蜜的毒品。If Karl Marx was right that religion is an "opiate of the masses, " then sports may be the sweetest drug of them all.

洛非西定是可乐定的同类物,同属于非阿片类药物,可缓解阿片类依赖的戒断症状。Lofexidine, a clonidine analogue, is a non opioid agent used to relieve the withdrawal symptoms of opiate dependence.

这种革命的意识形态是阿拉伯世界的精神鸦片,转移了公民对统治者执政无能的不满。The revolutionary ideology was the opiate of the Arab world, distracting citizens from the manifest failure of their rulers.

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这就是为什么鸦片类毒品产生极乐的麻木感,而可卡因和安非他命则带来极度兴奋的感觉。This is why the opiate drugs induce a kind of blissful stupor so different from the animating effect of cocaine and amphetamines.

提示,吗啡和甲硫脑啡肽能减轻应激性胃粘膜损害的程度,其作用与阿片受体有关。It is suggested that gastric mucosal injury induced by stress might be lightened by morphine or Met-enkephalin Via opiate receptors.

这样可以帮助他们更有效和经济地控制生物加工装置以生产可待因和其他镇痛类药物。This could help them produce codeine and other opiate drugs more efficiently and economically in controlled bioprocessing facilities.