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他滚了一个雪球。He rolled a snowball.

我喜欢债务滚雪球。I love the debt snowball.

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“雪球地球”还是“泥球地球”?Snowball Earth or Mud-ball Earth?

又可以打雪仗、堆雪人。Can snowball fights, make a snowman.

早霜意味着是播种魔法雪球的时候。First frost meant magic snowball time.

她管她的猫叫雪球,因为它是白色的。She calls her cat Snowball because it is white.

这个雪球已经滚起来了,它已经停不下来了。But the snowball is rolling, and I can't stop it.

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风头鹦鹉「雪球」酷爱「新好男孩」。Snowball the cockatoo just loves the Backstreet Boys.

打雪仗是北方孩子们经常玩得一种游戏。Snowball fights in the north children often play a game.

如果没有冰川期的地球我们可能出现在今天。If it wasn't for snowball Earth we may not be here today.

六合彩复活节金多宝,现已开售!Mark Six Easter Snowball Draw! Ticket sales available now!

后来我们总算把“未来”和“雪球”从死亡的边缘挽救过来。Well, in the end, we were able to save Future and Snowball.

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雪白的身体毛茸茸的,缩起来像是一个小雪球。Their white, bushy bodies are cute, look like a tiny snowball.

今天男友卖萌捏了一个雪球朝我砸过来。Today, trying to be cute, my boyfriend threw a snowball at me.

好了,你已经创造了失真感觉的雪球效应。Voilà! You’ve just created a snowball effect of fuzzy feelings.

为什么政客们不再滚雪球了?因为雪停了。Why are the politicians no longer connect with snowball fights?

斯诺鲍和拿破仑是讨论中最活跃的。Snowball and Napoleon were by far the most active in the debates.

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我被他惹怒了,也操起一个雪球向他砸去。I was annoyed that he had also picked up a snowball hit him to go.

问题像滚雪球一样越积越多,你必须不断适应新的情况。Problems snowball and you have to constantly adapt to new situations.

在许多地方冬天意味着溜冰,雪橇和打雪仗。Winter in many places means ice skating, sledding and snowball fights.