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特洛伊熊猫?Trojan panda?

后来在特洛伊战争中果然发生了这样的事。And so he was in the Trojan War.

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特洛伊是这所学校的吉祥物吗?Is Trojan the mascot of this college?

木马免杀,木马分析!Trojan free to kill, trojan analysis!

一个木马程序,用来学习用的。A Trojan Horse program, it is used for study.

这就是希腊传说中的木马计。This is the Greek legend of the Trojan Horse.

当特洛伊战争爆发时,西蒂斯异常焦虑。When the Trojan War broke out, Thetis was anxious.

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特洛伊人的任何武器都无法伤害阿奇里斯。None of the Trojan weapons was able to hurt Achilles.

阿佛罗狄忒是引发特洛伊战争的女神。Aphrodite was the goddess who triggered the Trojan War.

自动杀除病毒、蠕虫和特洛伊木马。Automatically removes viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.

为了报仇雪恨,希腊人民拿起了武器,特洛伊战争爆发了。To pay back, Greek took up arms. The Trojan war broke out.

这个木马和其他应用程序一样运行于沙盒中。This Trojan operates in the same sandbox that other apps do.

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借助互联网的普及,木马病毒进入了经济时代。With the spread of the Internet, Trojan virus into the economy.

特洛伊木马软件,经常伪装成无害软件。Trojan horse Malware that masquerades as non-malicious software.

该公司声称这是第一个已知的针对Android的木马病毒.The company stated this is the first known Android-specific trojan.

现在黑客在流量很大的网站上种植特洛伊木马病毒。Hackers are now infecting high-volume Web sites with Trojan viruses.

当他下载了那个免费游戏后,结果是一个特洛伊木马程序。When he downloaded the free game it turned out to be a trojan horse.

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特洛伊公司现在成了威斯康星州争论的中心。Trojan is finding itself at the center of a controversy in Wisconsin.

在此基础之上,本文提出了一个基于木马体系结构的漏洞扫描模型。NVS is based on Trojan horse architecture and facing to network attack.

这些都在特洛亚战争英雄的身上体现得淋漓尽致。All these are fully shown from the heroes in the heroes in the Trojan War.