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电镜观察细胞和纹状缘。EM of cells with striated border.

需要解脱的是那受了束缚的心。What we need to fly is the striated heart.

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这面墙上有着条纹状的雕饰。There are striated engravings on this wall.

另一只池鹭飞来了,并且又来了一只绿鹭。Another one flies , and Striated Heron appears too.

有条痕的磨光面则称为擦痕面。The striated and polished surfaces are called slickensides.

首先外观将是一个不规则的球,横纹肌。At first the appearance will be of an irregular orb, striated.

已证明芬那露为一种有效的横纹肌松施药。Fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant.

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咽和直肠的上皮具纹状缘。Striated border can be observed on the pharyngeal and rectal epithelium.

前肠粘膜褶高,纹状缘薄,杯状细胞数目相对乌鳢、鲶鱼较多。Their fore-gut has high mucosal fold, thin striated border, more goblet cells.

在晚期心力衰竭的心肌细胞中,横管结构及其规则横纹排列模式已基本消失。Myocytes from the failing hearts lose the majority oft-tubules and their regular striated pattern.

结论三七总皂甙注射液对人下肢体IR后横纹肌的损伤有保护作用。Conclusion The Panax Notogisenosides Injectionmight have protected for the striated muscle after IR.

骨骼肌的肌肉纤维有许多明亮和暗淡的横纹,所以过去又叫做横纹肌。Skeletal muscle fibers have many bright and dim stripes, so in the past also called striated muscle.

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显微镜下可见表皮增厚,瘢痕及横纹肌退变等异常改变。While there were epidermic thicking scar formation and degeneration of striated muscles under microscope.

横纹肌看起来象是由一束发状腺组成的,每条肌纤维均有横纹。Looks like a bunch of striated muscle is composed of fat, gland, every muscle fiber have horizontal stripes.

我们的实验结果与普瑞巴林对横纹肌L型钙通道无作用一致。Our data are consistent with pregabalin having no effect on striated muscle L-type calcium channel function.

墙的模板、钢筋基于6英寸宽的板而创造出一个丰富的波状纹理。The formwork and rebar for the walls were laid out on 6-inch-wide boards to create a rich, striated texture.

横纹肌、平滑肌核心肌组织不仅形态不同,就连其运作情形也互异。Striated muscle, smooth muscle tissue core not only of different forms, and even the operation of the case also differ.

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如果进行纯粹的力量测试,四头肌和臀大肌则是人体中横纹肌纤维密度最高的地区。The quadriceps and gluteus maximus have the highest concentration of striated muscle fibers, a pure measure of strength.

事实上,外括约肌更是管状,在前列腺尖部附近同前列腺包膜有广泛的附着。Rather, the external striated sphincter is more tubular and has broad attachments oer the fascia of the prostate near the apex.

由于提肛肌和外括约肌的神经支配类似,所以在收缩提肛肌的同时,外括约肌也得到锻炼。However, because the striated urethral sphincter has similar innervation, patients are exercising this important muscle as well.