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威德尔海的一只海豹摆好姿势来张特写。A weddell seal posing for a snapshot.

类似的事情可能在威德尔海发生。A similar thing could happen in the Weddell Sea.

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这意味着,威德尔海的生物多样性在总体上来说是异常丰富的。This implies that the total biodiversity of the Weddell Sea is enormous.

在南极边的威德尔海,一只水螅水母伸展它的冷光触须。A hydromedusa spreads its luminescent tentacles in the Weddell Sea near Antarctica.

韦德尔海豹比较吵。如果你站在冰面上,你都能听见它们在水下叫的声音。Weddell seals are loud! If you stand on the ice, you can hear them call under the water.

在实验室里对威德尔海豹生理机制已作过描述。Studies of the Weddell seal in the laboratory have described the physiological mechanisms.

威德尔海豹巡视其冰层之下的领地,它们用自己独有的奇特歌声来划分领地。The Weddell seal patrols an under-ice territory, which it defends by making a singing noise.

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在南极洲的威德尔海洋里,黑暗让这个海鸡冠有机会展示它糖果色彩般的生物发光性细胞。Darkness in Antarctica's Weddell Sea gives this comb jelly a chance to show off its candy-colored bioluminescent cells.

鲸鱼们似乎都喜欢吃韦德尔海豹,他们能有11英尺长,比一般的黑鳕鱼和海豹都更难捕获。The whales prefer weddell seals, which can be up to 11 feet long, rather than the more aggressive crabeater and leopard seals.

半透明的生物图片美术馆。极小的海生的蜗牛通称海蝴蝶有许多的形式,包含心形的,例如这物种在南极洲的威德尔海。Tiny marine snails known as sea butterflies take many forms, including heart-shaped, such as this species in Antarctica's Weddell Sea.

南极磷虾,正如这只在威德尔海发现的,肚子里满是黄色海藻的样本,是海洋食物网中的一个濒危环节。Antarctic krill, such as this specimen in the Weddell Sea with a stomach full of yellow algae, are a critical link in the ocean food web.

在无光的水下的生命多样性对于在南极威德尔海进行调查的南极考查员来说,是一个很大的惊喜。The diversity of life supported by unlit waters was a big surprise for Antarctic researchers who conducted the survey in the Weddell Sea.

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对威德尔海冰间湖更深入的研究,应该充分考虑较大尺度的海洋-海冰-大气相互作用。For fully understanding the initiation and maintenance of Weddell Polynya, the atmosphere-sea ice-ocean interaction in large scale should be considered.

在南极洲边缘之威德尔海中,结冰过程增加低温海水之盐度,从而形成了浓度最大之海水。In the Weddell Sea Antarctica, the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water.

在南极洲边缘的威德尔海中,结冰过程增加低温海水的盐度,从而形成了浓度最大的海水。In the Weddell Sea Antarctica, the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water.

上面这张图片,是由NASA的MODIS卫星传感器于1月23号拍摄,图片显示了冰架正处于半坍塌状态,数以千计的冰山在威德尔海漂流。This image, captured by NASA's MODIS satellite sensor on February 23, shows the shelf mid-disintegration, spewing a cloud of icebergs adrift in the Weddell Sea.

通过对威德尔海北部断面的研究再次佐证了强流场和粗糙地形相互作用,会产生强烈的混合。It is also confirmed by the northern section of the Weddell Sea that the enhanced mixing is created by the interaction between the strong current and rough topography.

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加州圣玛丽学院的朱迪·凯斯说,这只尚不知名的恐龙可能是死后漂到海里的,然后沉入威德尔海的一块浅水区海底。Not yet named, the animal probably floated out to sea after it died and settled to the bottom of what was then a shallow area of the Weddell Sea, said Judd Case of St.Mary's College of California.

加州圣玛丽学院的朱迪·凯斯说,这只尚不知名的恐龙可能是死后漂到海里的,然后沉入威德尔海的一块浅水区海底。Not yet named, the animal probably floated out to sea after it died and settled to the bottom of what was then a shallow area of the Weddell Sea, said Judd Case of St. Mary's College of California.