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真实储蓄的转移是通过空白凭证实现的,也就是没有黄金支撑的纸币。The diversion of real savings is done by means of unbacked certificates, i.e. , unbacked money.

于是很显然,如果没有未被支撑的纸币将真正的储蓄转移到他们时,他们就会处于麻烦之中。Obviously then, without the unbacked money, which diverts real savings to them, they are in trouble.

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其疏水设计,方便底部水分流通,刮除的泥沙掉落于垫下,易于清理。Unbacked design for allowing water to drain out, keeping the surface dry, and allowing dirt to fall beneath the mat. Make cleaning easier.

当时香港上海丰银行的职员在日军强迫下,签署了大量没有储备支持的纸币,这些纸币更在市面流通。A certain amount of unbacked notes, signed by executives of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation under duress, also went into circulation.

至于联邦政府,在最早的宪法草案里是有一些内容是关于允许联邦政府发行纸币的。As for the federal government, the earliest drafts of the Constitution included language permitting the federal government to issue unbacked paper money.

所有1,925种色彩均配有独立无背卡的活页色卡,提供精确的方法来选择、说明、控制和沟通您的色彩选择。Individual unbacked loose fabric swatches available for all 1, 925 colors provide a precise way to select, specify, control and communicate your color choices.

一旦减缓或者停止印刷没有支撑的纸币,这将停止真实的储蓄流向由没有支撑的纸币引发的各种活动。Once the printing of unbacked money slows down or stops altogether, this stops the flow of real savings to various activities that emerged on the back of unbacked money.

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面临经济危机,德国政府开动印刷机,开始凭空印出没有任何商品作保证的纸币,打算以此来支付工人的福利和拖欠的战争债务。The German government countered this situation by printing unbacked currency with which it meant to pay both workers benefits, as well as its delinquent international debt.

我重新摆放一部分无靠背且易移动的沙发到桌子前,其高度挺低但和桌子高度匹配。What is the way out?I relocated a part of sofa, which is unbacked and flexible to be moved, before the desk, the height of which is quite low but matches the height of desk.

印刷没有黄金支撑的凭证从创造财富的活动那里将真正的储蓄转移给了没有黄金支撑的凭证持有人。这就引起了所谓的经济繁荣。The printing of certificates unbacked by gold diverts real savings from wealth-generating activities to the holders of the unbacked certificates. This leads to a so-called economic boom.