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黑海。巡夜者。The Black Sea. A watchman.

那里住着一个老看守人。There's an old watchman living there.

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大楼的看守人进行巡逻。A watchman in a building makes rounds.

看守人在什么时候报的警?When did the watchman call the police?

更夫和水警已上船。Watchman and water police have embarked.

我经过敲更的守夜人身边I have passed by the watchman on his beat

看门人尤里则对这些故事嗤之以鼻。The watchman just laughs at these stories.

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看守人住在附近的小茅屋里。The watchman lives in a hut no far from here.

夜间值班员每小时巡回一次。The night watchman makes his round every hour.

值夜班的人每个小时都会到各处巡视一次。The night watchman makes his rounds every hour.

他们勒死了看守人,抢劫了银行。They throttled the watchman and robbed the bank.

看守人听到响声然后看到一个穿长外套的人。The watchman heard a bang and saw someone in a long coat.

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库房的看守人将于晚上十点换班。The watchman of the storehouse will be relieved at 10 p.m.

巡夜人员每小时都巡视这建筑物。The night watchman makes the rounds of the building every hour.

值班员解释,零件已送到,正在抢修飞机。The watchman explanation, parts, are already to repair aircraft.

那抓到小偷的巡夜者,因其警觉而受到赞赏。The watchman who caught the thief was praised for his vigilance.

从开着的窗口,我看得见更夫走来走去。I can see through my open window the watchman walking up and down.

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公司原谅了那位守夜值班时睡着觉的看守员。The company excused the watchman for falling asleep while on duty.

放哨的人急忙跑进屋里说,警察就在外面。The watchman rushed into the room to say that the police were outside.

然而,政府的市场“守夜人”的角色毕竟是不可或缺的。However, the market's "night watchman " role, after all, is indispensable.