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我要重重地赏赐你。I will pay thee royally.

另一个好去处就是葡萄酒庄园。For another royally good experience, head to the wine gardens.

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不用多说,你已经基本上、庄严地、整个被绕进来了。Basically, without saying too much, you're screwed. Royally and totally.

如果我没正式地搞杂,我就不会清楚我需要改进什么。If I didn’t royally mess up, I wouldn’t have known what I needed to fix.

而那些被挑选入宫的乐师,受到了特别优厚的待遇。All the musicians who were chosen to play in the court were treated royally.

信纸上边有皇家的标志,而且有女王侍从的签名。It's on royally headed paper and is signed by one of the Queen's Ladies in Waiting!

率团出访印度尼西亚,他受到了主人的盛情款待。In 1960 Khruschev headed a delegation to visit Indonesia and was royally treated by his host.

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现在,除非这个心不甘情不愿的准国王能找到一个替代品,他此后的半辈子将和皇位拴在一起。Now, unless the reluctant would-be king can find a suitable replacement, he'll be royally screwed for the rest of his days.

“戈耳贡”才是个真正的大赢家!他微笑着把我们都给玩了。我真是从来没想到!And I can tell you that the Gorgon is a real prince! And he screwed us all royally. I could never even have imagined it! Never!

怀纳卡帕克总是拥有无尽的收成和充足的玉米酒,可以在库斯科一年一度的节日庆典上奖赏忠诚的子民。These provided Huayna Capac with bountiful harvests and enough corn beer to entertain his subjects royally during Cusco's annual festivals.

一般这么做当然会使这些政客们的民调在短期内得到飙升,但却冠冕堂皇地搞砸了国家经济的长期健康。Usually of course to get a short term poll boost for said politicians while right royally screwing over the long term economic health of the country.

你也许在被你的计划管理者忠实地”宰杀“,这时候,只有你比他更聪明而去“斗智”时才去参与。You may be getting ripped off royally by your plan administrator, in which case you should only participate if you get a match, and then only up to the match.

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一旦你的影片被受邀,我们将诚挚的邀请你参与开幕酒会,我们更邀请你在场次之前与观众对谈、讲解。If your film is accepted, you will be invited to an opening party, toasted royally , and if you can speak at the screening of your film, that would be awesome!

假若你准备引入任何新技术,并且最终完全失败,那么搭建基础设施所花的时间和成本,加上冲刺的失败,将会把你打倒。If you plan to introduce any new technology and it fails royally then the time and cost to set up the infrastructure, along with sprint’s failure will put you down.

“我们想知道,怎样才能最有效地惩罚这些收入不菲却表现拙劣的球员,”俱乐部主席吉瑞-库比切克对当地一家报纸说,“一位俱乐部官员于是想出了这个主意。”"We were wondering how best to punish players who are paid royally but play lousily," club chairman Jiri Kubicek told a local newspaper. "Then a club official came up with this idea."