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唐肯,你知道这位是谁吗?Do you know who this is?Carrie Bradshaw.

Bradshaw是世界上最自私的人。Ms. Bradshaw is the most self-involved person in the world.

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威士肖在电影中扮演济慈,而30岁的布拉德肖为影片作曲。Whishaw played Keats in the film, while 30-year-old Mr Bradshaw composed the score.

选民们最终将布拉德肖推上了政坛,这是当年英国保守派势力失守的重大事件之一。Voters awarded Bradshaw the seat, in one of the biggestswings away from the Conservatives in the country that year.

勃兰肖先生仍然在用扫描仪检测他发明的内裤,而且已经上报给运输相关部门请求批准。Mr Bradshaw is yet to test his underwear with a scanner but has written to the Department of Transport to seek approval.

他说在杀人那天夜里,他只是“突然抓狂”,他承认,他杀死了-莱斯利-布拉德肖和刀砍他的妻子。He said on the murderous night, he just "snapped, " and he admitted that he killed Leslie Bradshaw and attacked his wife.

很令人失望,布拉德肖没有向我们谈到兰斯堡犀牛种群的历史,也很少讲到他们的命运。Frustratingly, Bradshaw tells us nothing of the histories of Pilanesberg's rhino population, and too little of their fate.

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同年,在接受今日美国采访时,Bradshaw谈论了他在离婚后感到的深深地苦闷。In an interview with USA Today that same year, Bradshaw talked about the deep depression he experienced following a divorce.

1970年赛季,第一次参加橄榄球员选秀,6英尺3英寸的Bradshaw成为了历史上成就最斐然的四分卫。The first player chosen in the 1970 draft, the 6-foot-3-inch Bradshaw became one of the most prolific quarterbacks in history.

布拉德肖说,其实喵星人更喜欢罐头猫粮,所以它们回家时会把猎物埋在门边并记得这个位置。Bradshaw says that cats actually prefer canned cat food, so they ditch the prey by the door when they get home and remember this.

但是我必须说我听到帕克要续拍第三部是很是吃惊,她不但在剧中扮演卡莉布拉德肖还想要在续拍这部电视剧,并且她相信还有很多东西可以讲述!In addition to playing Carrie Bradshaw in the show and films, she also produced the movies. And she believes there's more to tell!

布拉德肖谈到为大象创造大片的野生地带——大到足够他们迁徙寻找食物和水。Bradshaw talks of creating enormous wild areas for the use of elephants—areas large enough for them to migrate in search of food and water.

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“当然,我与众不同,”Bradshaw那次说到,“但是,我知道抑郁和焦虑能够影响你对自己工作的感受。”“I sure don't have the average job, ” Bradshaw said at the time, “but I know how depression and anxiety can affect how you feel about your work.

英国肯特郡一名业余寻宝家克利夫布雷萧,在桑威次附近一块野地发现埋有青铜器时代极罕见的黄金杯。The site where an extremely rare Bronze Age golden cup was found by amateur treasure hunter Cliff Bradshaw in a field near Sandwich, in Kent, England.

「一旦这项立法付诸执行,我们的法律将与我国爱好动物的名声名实相副,」动物福利大臣班.布拉德秀说。"Once this legislation is enacted, our law will be worthy of our reputation as a nation of animal lovers, " said Animal Welfare Minister Ben Bradshaw.

这是一个热爱生活,喜欢小鸟,喜欢派,生活在美国福罗里达州的一个暖和的毛毡手做艺术家。Lauren Alane Bradshaw lives in Winter Park, Florida with her photographer husband Joey. Lauren enjoys birds, cardigans, crocheting, fabric, felting, and making pies.

威廉·布拉德肖先生知道战争已经结束,塞普蒂默斯没有犯任何客观的错误,而他在战后却委靡不振。Sir William Bradshaw knowing that the war is over can find nothing clinically wrong with Septimus whose malaise is presumed to have come to an end with the armistice.

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在寻找解释年轻雄象古怪行为的时候,布拉德肖的注意力几乎主要集中于在他们的亲人遭到猎杀时所受的心理创伤。In her search to explain the bizarre behavior of the young males, Bradshaw focuses almost entirely on the trauma they suffered when their families were shot during culling.

车子的颜色是象征冷淡低调的鸽灰色,举威廉·布拉德肖先生为例,他的头发,地毯,裘皮和房子全都是这个颜色。The car itself is fitted out in dove-grey symbolic of frigidity and anonymity exemplified by Sir William Bradshaw whose car, hair, rugs, furs and room are all of that colour.

到底是什么导致了人们对狗和狼关系的误解呢?Bradshaw指出这是源于我们研究的狼群都是在人工环境中生活的,到目前为止的研究都是这样进行的。But what makes the dog-wolf paradigm especially misleading, Mr Bradshaw argues, is that until recently, the studies of wolves were of the wrong wolves in extremely artificial conditions.