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1纳秒为十亿分之一秒。A nanosecond is one-billionth of a second.

一个毫微秒是一百万分之一秒。One nanosecond is 1 billionth of a second.

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一纳秒就是10的9次方分之一秒,而这个电脑一秒可以做2G次运算。Now, the nanosecond is what, 10 to the minus 9 seconds.

假入我们一秒钟运算十亿次,我们已经看过了对数级,线性增长的。Let's suppose n is 1000, and we're running at nanosecond speed.

光行进的速度是每纳秒一英尺,很简单的经验法则了。Light travels basically a foot in a nanosecond. Simple rule of thumb.

对两个指定日期之间的毫微秒边界数进行计数。Counts the number of nanosecond boundaries between two nullable dates.

日志必须包含时间戳,其中含有时区,精确到毫秒或纳秒。Logs must contain timestamps, with timezone, to the millisecond or nanosecond.

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在十亿分之一秒内他们完全将生命的优先权和设想做了重新安排。In a nanosecond , they completely reordered the priorities and perspectives of life.

霎那间就能实现,但要用一世的热情追求才能保持。Less than a nanosecond to attain it, a lifetime of passionate pursuit to maintain it.

一眨眼工夫,一位买家又会通过一笔免税的换股交易收购这家新公司。A nanosecond later, a buyer would acquire the new corporation in a tax-free stock-for-stock deal.

提出了一种基于普克尔效应实现的稳定纳秒级激光脉冲幅度的方法。A new method of amplitude stabling for nanosecond laser pulse was proposed based on Pockels effect.

根据具体系统指标,选择全固态微波电路方案,研制出了系列的数千伏、纳秒级、超宽带雷达用脉冲源。Based on the microwave PCB circuit, series of kilo-volt nanosecond UWB radar pulsers have been designed.

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进一步采用纳秒分幅高速相机拍摄了24J能量下的流场纹影照片。In addition, schlieren photographs were taken by a nanosecond framed high speed camera at the pulse energy of 24J.

研制了一台高电压毫微秒脉冲发生器,它将用于标定快响应的分压器。A high voltage nanosecond pulse generator for calibrating voltage dividers with fast time response was constructed.

本文描述了一个小型的、适合于激光动力学研究的毫微秒电子束发生器。The construction of a miniature nanosecond e-beam generator suitable for laser related kinetics studies is described.

但在实际上,要测量这些时间和距离,达到所需要的检测到纳秒级别差异的准确度,绝非易事。But actually measuring those times and distances to the accuracy needed to detect nanosecond differences is no easy task.

利用纳秒级脉冲电源、毫微秒级脉冲电源和直流电源,进行了电解加工试验。Nickel is electrochemical micromachininged using nanosecond pulse power, millisecond pulse power and direct current power.

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经过近二十年的发展,时间数字转换器的分辨率已从纳秒级水平提高到了皮秒级水平。In the last two decades, the resolution of time-to-digital converter evolved from nearly a nanosecond to several picoseconds.

本文通过纳秒高功率激光与液体介质相互作用,利用介质的非线性效应使单纵模激光光谱展宽。In this thesis, we study spectral broadening by the interaction between nanosecond high power laser pulses with liquid medium.

介绍了一种可用于半导体激光器、高速摄影、信号处理以及激光雷达的纳秒脉冲驱动电路。A nanosecond pulse driver which can be used in semiconductor laser, CCD controller, signal processing and laser ladar was introduced.