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他是一名会计专业的学生。He is an accountancy student.

我是一名会计系毕业的学生。I am an accountancy graduation of student.

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我告诉他我正在拍一部著名的会计电影。I told him I worked at a well-known accountancy firm.

这是法政大学的商业与会计学系大楼。This is the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy building.

他在学习会计学或者他是一名会计专业的学生。He is studying accountancy or he is an accountancy student.

我会使用计算机,而且我曾上过一门会计课程。I'm computer literate and I've also taken a course in Accountancy.

德勤是世界著名的会计事务所之一。Deloittes is one of the most respected Accountancy firm in the world.

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会计说我们可以用零用现金去买纸,但是不能用它买一个新的打印机.The accountancy allow us to buy paper by cash instead of buy a new typewriter.

如果一个人生无可恋,难道还会计较该不该喝酒吗?If a person livings to have no to love, return should the accountancy more drink?

从欧洲最大的会计师事务所总部之一可以俯瞰泰晤士河。The headquarters of one of Europe’s largest accountancy firms overlooks the Thames.

会计电算化是会计工作发展进步的必然趋势。Accountancy 's ising machine-readable to turn is an accountancy development of inevitable direction.

近几年来,我国上市公司的会计造假行为屡禁不止。In recent years, concocting behavior of accountancy in China's listed company hasn't been forbidden.

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本文介绍了工业企业财务会计电算化系统的具体实现。System implementation is introduced to computerize accountancy and finance in industry and business.

德勤始终如一地支持年轻一代在会计专业领域出类拔萃。Deloitte has all along committed to supporting the young generation to excel in the accountancy profession.

但在同时注册会计师职业界与法律界及社会公众之间对注册会计师民事责任的一些问题难以达成共识。Simultaneously, the accountancy circle and the law circle can hardly find common issue of CPA's civil liability.

而从200份会计职务申请结果来看,衣着更加暴露的女性多得到了68个面试机会。From the 200 accountancy applications, there were 68 more interview offers for the more provocatively dressed woman.

我“O”水准五科总分为16分,我将选择新加坡南洋理工学院专业。徐先生,谢谢你辅导我的英语和数学。I got 16 in O level exam. I will study Accountancy in Nan Yang Poly. Mr. Xu, Thank u for teach me Maths and English.

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我在菲律宾就读高中及大学,并且得到会计学士学位。I attended high school and college at the University of the Philippines and I graduated with a degree in Accountancy.

市场经济的发展、现代企业制度的普遍推行,对会计工作提出了新的要求。Market economy's development, modern enterprise system's universal carrying out, set the new request to the accountancy.

这也说明了会计学领域女会计师人数普遍增加的原因。This would also explain why in the field of accountancy there is a general increase in the number of female accountants.