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这只病猫变得更瘦了。This sick cat becomes thinner.

要变瘦就意味着少吃食物。To be thinner means eating less food.

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例如,它们的甲壳变薄了。They have thinner shells, for example.

床垫并非越薄越好。Mattress is not the thinner the better.

如果你想瘦些而且健康一些。If you want to be thinner and healthier.

肥腻的东西吃厌了吗?想变瘦吗?Tired of all that fat?Want to be thinner?

玛丽的头发没有吉伯特夫人的厚。Mary's hair is thinner than Mar. Gilbert's.

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请同学拿着体检表与好朋友比一比,看谁重谁轻。Let's see who is heavier and who is thinner.

作为天过去了,她成为更薄更薄。As days passed, she became thinner and thinner.

先将主剂与稀释剂混合,再加入固化剂。Mix base with thinner first, then add hardener.

当上了年纪的时候,你的骨骼会变薄变弱。Your bones become thinner and weaker as you age.

避免用汽油、天拿水、稀释剂等酒精溶剂清洁。Do not use benzine, thinner or any other solvent.

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你比我上次见你的时候瘦多了。You're much thinner since the last time I saw you.

土壤-植被系统趋于更薄的活动层。Soil-plant system went to a thinner active horizon.

你可以往油漆中加一点稀料,把他们调匀。You can stir a small amount of thinner in the paint.

他说厚厚的多年冰层正在逐渐变薄。He said the thick, multi-year ice is getting thinner.

他逐渐地看上赴越来越瘦,然而而且神情沮丧。He was beginning to look thinner and very discouraged.

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你比他瘦多了。谁是比较瘦的男孩?。You are much thinner than him. Who is the thinner boy?

这种胶片的厚度只及普通纸的一半。This kind of film is twice thinner than ordinary paper.

照片上他的脸看起来要廋一点,但的确是同一个人。His face looked a little thinner. But it's the same man.