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把水通过滤芯充分挤压漏接出来。Squeeze full bobble of water through filter.

他戴著一顶上头有一个小红球的毛帽。He wore a woolly hat with a little red bobble on top.

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十二件布匹、四条绯红色头巾、六顶帽子。He wore a woolly hat with a little red bobble on top.

每个磁泡可以按不同方向磁化。Each bobble is magnetized in one direction or another.

每个磁泡可以按不同方向磁化。Each bobble is magnetized in one direction or the other.

编织漏接项目上创建一个凸起的表面。Knitting a bobble creates a raised surface on the project.

点头太频繁——会让你看起来像一个点头玩偶!Nodding too much — can make you look like a bobble head doll!

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嗨,鲍勃,听着,你知道在哪里能找到一件锋利的东西吗?Hey, Bobble . Listen, do you know where I can find a sharp thingy?

反复灌满过滤Bobble享受更好的水,节省金钱。Refill bobble over and over again to enjoy better water. Save money.

她的手柔软温暖,只是轻轻的接触,足可使人心神荡漾。Her soft hands warm, but lightly contacts, it will be one mind Bobble.

一款经典的消除类益智游戏,画面炫丽,玩法多样,音效也很出色。The classic puzzle bobble arcade game and it is also known as bust a move.

谁又能对这些闪闪发光的金银财宝视而不见呢?Whose eyes are not stopped by the alluring refractions of a precious bobble?

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过冷沸腾汽泡脱离点是用目视方法确定的。The bobble detachment point of subcooled boiling was identified by visual method.

你也会发现球的弧线和弹跳在次时代实况中从未有过。You'll also find the ball will curl and bobble in ways it simply hasn't done on this generation.

这个傻头傻脑玩偶给你再现了克鲁斯在奥普拉的脱口秀节目上一段充满娱乐性的坐在沙发上发表的言论。This doll comes with a bobble head to give you an authentic recreation of Cruise's couch moment on Oprah.

探索如何在这个自由针织纱工艺视频与一个来自经验丰富的教练示范漏接编织针。Discover how to knit a bobble stitch with a demonstration from an experienced knitting instructor in this free video on yarn crafts.

女人喜欢男人轻柔地摸女人的手,在摸手时有些暗示,让女人的心荡漾起来,想让男人抱着、吻着的感觉,这就是男人的功夫。Women like men to touch women 's gentle hand in hand, some feel that to heart Bobble woman, wanted men holding, golden feeling, and this is a man's work.

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比如说当地有一支名不见经传的小棒球队要打比赛,卖票的说前100名买票的观众能免费获赠一个摇头公仔。It can be as simple as bobble heads at a local minor league baseball game, and if they say the first 100 people get one free, suddenly those bobble heads are more appealing.

上面照片里的人是我,穿着新大衣,戴着橙色的绒球帽——尽管我不敢说这也是伦敦的“最佳着装”,不过一有机会我就会穿戴上它们炫耀一番。Whilst I wouldn't necessarily class this look as one of 'London's best' I am obsessed with my new coat and orange bobble hat so will leap at any opportunity to show them off!