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妈妈会去给你买一个模仿鸟。Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.

知更鸟是一种灰白色的会唱歌的鸟。A mockingbird is a kind of gray songbird.

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七叶树没有在新英格兰生长,这里也难得听到模仿鸟。The buckeye does not grow in New England, and the mockingbird is rarely heard here.

此时万籁俱寂,只有我,天空以及一只夜鹰,在黄昏时,在反舌鸟山上歌唱着。Only me and the sky, and an old whippoorwill, singing songs in the twilight on Mockingbird Hill.

芬奇在南边梅岗城任职,为人端正沉稳,常常不计报酬地为贫民们伸张公理。Finch Mockingbird in the south office, his integrity and calm, often gratuitous justice for the poor.

鸟类究竟是愚蠢还是聪明呢?称某人为“鸟脑”通常意味着侮辱。但很多鸟儿其实非常聪明。例如知更鸟。How dumb, or smart, are birds? Calling someone a birdbrain is usually meant as an insult. But many birds are quite clever. Take for example, the mockingbird.

通常在城里或郊区,走近嘲鸟巢的猫、狗、和人可能遭到愤怒的嘲鸟夫妇围攻,甚至被啄一尖嘴。Cats, dogs, and humans walking near a mockingbird nest, usually in urban and suburban areas, can expect a close encounter with an angry parent and even a sharp peck.

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一种人醒来面带微笑地听着鸟儿在窗外啼叫,而另一种人恨不得拿起一杆枪,打死那只发出噪音的该死鸟。There are those who awaken with a smile to hear the mockingbird singing outside their window. There are others who would like to grab a gun and shoot the damn noisy bird.

当早晨的阳光从山顶升起,并照着我窗台四周的玫瑰时,特别是当我听到鸟儿在反舌鸟山的树梢上叫的时候,我感到非常高兴。When the morning sun rises above the hill, and shines upon the roses round my window sill, I feel very happy especially when I hear the chirp of the birds in the treetops on Mockingbird Hill.

歌词翻译当早晨的太阳从山顶上升起,照着我窗台四周的玫瑰,当我听到鸟儿在反舌鸟山的树梢上鸣叫时,我的心充满了快乐。When the sun in the morning peeps over the hill, and kisses the roses round my window sill, then my heart fills with gladness when I hear the trill of the birds in the treetops on Mockingbird Hill.