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科伦拜惨案的杀手给出的理由也颇为相似。The Columbine killers made similar arguments.

写文章的时间就处在卡罗拉多高校枪击案之后。This was after the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado.

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耧斗菜配着樱桃树下紫红的飞燕草Columbine matches the purple of delphiniums under the cherry tree

科隆比纳高中发生的悲剧是因为“自然选择”的想法。The Columbine High School tragedy occurred because of the idea of “natural selection”.

不久之后,我和希拉里飞到科罗拉多州与来自科隆比纳高中的学生及受难者的家人会面。Soon afterward, Hillary and I flew to Colorado to meet with students and families from Columbine High School.

五年之前的今天,埃瑞克哈瑞斯与迪伦科利鲍在克伦坂中学杀害了他们的同学和老师。Five years ago today, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered their classmates and teachers at Columbine High School.

在游戏网站上的创作者声明中,Ledonne说他开发这个游戏是要讲一个警世的故事。In his artist's statement on the Super Columbine website, Ledonne says he created the game as a kind of cautionary tale.

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Ledonne怎么会认为一个游戏是审判和剖析那些导致科伦拜的扭曲灵魂的最好途径?What makes Ledonne think that a video game is the best way to try and deconstruct the tortured minds that led to Columbine?

一年前在小顿城的哥伦拜中学,同伴圈子的孤立将两名少年变为凶手。In Littleton, a year ago, the two teenage, shooters stood apart, alienated from the jock culture that infused Columbine High School.

在1999年,他在中学写下了自杀和杀别人的想法。这是在美国克罗拉多州科隆比纳中学发生枪击事件之后写下的。In 1999, he wrote in middle school about killing himself and others. This was after the Columbine by High School shootings in Colorado.

他们知道,尽管在这之前发生过几起学校枪击事件,但是,是这起枪击事件最终打动了美国人民的心灵。They knew that though there had been several school shootings before theirs, it was Columbine that had finally pierced the soul of America.

1999年4月的一天,两名学生冲进美国科罗拉多州哥伦拜高中,在枪杀12名学生和1名教师后自尽。In April 1999, a pair of students at Columbine High School in Colorado killed a dozen fellow students and one teacher, as well as themselves.

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4个月以后,两个持枪歹徒陷入了极端惊骇之中,学生们新学期开始时也回到了科罗拉多的科隆比纳高中!Four months after two gunmen sent them fleeing in horror, students reclaimed Columbine High School in Colorado for the start of the school year.

参议院多数党领袖特伦特·洛特把我的提案称为“典型的机械反应”,汤姆·迪莱指责我利用哥伦拜因中学事件捞取政治资本。Senate majority leader Trent Lott called my initiative a typical knee-jerk reaction, and Tom DeLay accused me of exploiting Columbine for political gain.

然而这首歌还有着另一个令人毛骨悚然的联系——它的歌词来自1999年科隆鼻纳高中枪击案案犯之一的埃里克·哈里斯所维护的网站。The song has macabre connections — its lyrics were posted on a website maintained by Eric Harris, one of the gunmen in the 1999 Columbine High School massacre.

这一对学校黑暗面的控诉,应该给成年人们敲了一记警钟,尤其是那些在探讨,为什么会有科罗拉多可伦拜枪杀案这样的事件。And in that emphasis on the dark side of schooling, should give pause to adults who were looking for an understanding of why something like Columbine comes about.

当大家在花店为爷爷的葬礼选择葬花时,我悄悄地离开来到爷爷的花园。As we were choosing flowers from the florist for Grandpa's funeral, I slipped away to Grandpa's garden and walked with my memories of columbine and Sweet William.

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引起争议的电玩,混合了1999年科伦拜恩高中杀人案两名凶手的真实录影画面以及他们谈话的片段,并故意以低解析度的2-D图像呈现。The game in question combines real video images of the 1999 Columbine High School killers and snippets of their conversation with intentionally low-resolution 2-D graphics.

部分受哥伦比亚和维吉尼亚科技大学枪击事件影响,全国许多学区对在校园内携带武器持零容忍态度。Spurred in part by the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings, many school districts around the country adopted zero-tolerance policies on the possession of weapons on school grounds.

科罗拉多可伦拜高中枪杀案,事发两周后,美国参议院商务委员会给我打电话,让我参加一场听证会,主题是青年文化和暴力性娱乐的关系。Two weeks after the Columbine massacre, Ludlow Colorado I got called before the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee to testify on the relationship of youth culture and violent entertainment.