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哥尼流•塔西佗是罗马历史学家,生活在大约公元56-120年间。Cornelius Tacitus was a Roman historian who lived circa 56-120 AD.

科尔内利乌斯。西庇阿在西班牙阵亡后不久,尼禄继任。After Publius Cornelius Scipio was killed in Spain, Nero took over not that long afterwards.

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彼得一进去,哥尼流就迎接他,俯伏在他脚前拜他。And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him.

我们发现,彼得在哥尼流家中所传讲的信息,主要是关乎基督本身。As you read Peter's message in the home of Cornelius you will find it is full of thoughts about Christ.

1960年代,科纳留斯·加拉赫似乎就要成为新泽西州民主党政治活动中的风云人物。In the 1960s, Cornelius Gallagher seemed to be the fair-haired boy of New Jersey Democratic Party politics.

耶利米亚坐在王后的左下方,与科尼利厄斯相对,周围是他所代表的白种商人。On the left of the Queen, opposite Cornelius and surrounded by the white traders he was to represent, sat Ieremia.

英国的「酷尔斯」和美国明尼苏达州的「IMI科尼利亚斯」也正推出快速分装系统,但是目前还不愿透露细节。Coors U. K. and IMI Cornelius in Anoka, Minn. , plan to introduce a fast-tap system, too, although they remain tight-lipped.

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有一天,约在申初,他在异象中,明明看见神的一个使者进去,到他那里,说,哥尼流。He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius.

刚刚提到的场景里有一个卓越的将军苏拉,他是伟大的凯撒大帝的上一辈。The scene in question involves Lucius Cornelius Sulla, a brilliant general who was of the generation just before the great Caesar.

就在尼禄攻至Baetis,新迦太基就在眼前的时候,他被大西庇阿取代。Nero pushed as Far as Baetis and was in sight of Carthago Nova when he was replaced by the young Scipio, Publius Cornelius Scipio "The Younger".

魔法部长康奈利•福吉的代表乌姆里奇成为黑魔法防御课的新教授。哈利依旧受到噩梦的困扰,这些梦境令人不安,又异常真实。Harry is also beset by disturbing and realistic nightmares while Professor Umbridge, a representative of Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge, is the new DADA teacher.

还有在凯勒中心的工作团队,科尼利厄斯,达芙妮,维多利亚,感谢工程学院院长文思保罗,热情接待了,我和我的家人。And the team at Keller center Cornelius Daphne Victoria and thanks to Vince Paul the dean of engineering school for giving a very warm welcome to myself and my family.

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19世纪的加拿大太平洋有远见,威廉科尼利厄斯凡霍恩,建设沿着新建成的加拿大太平洋铁路豪华休息站梦想。Nineteenth century Canadian Pacific visionary, William Cornelius Van Horne, dreamt of building lavish rest stops alongside the newly constructed Canadian Pacific Railway.

所以最终彼得被上帝与异象说服,向外邦人传道,还有第一个皈依的外邦人哥尼流,受洗的故事。So finally Peter is forced to take the message to Gentiles, by God,by revelation,and then you have the story of the baptism of Cornelius and his house the first Gentile converts.

彼得心里正在猜疑之间,不知所看见的异象是什么意思,哥尼流所差来的人,已经访问到西门的家,站在门外Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate

彼得从未到过一个罗马公民的家,他不习惯与非犹太人来往,然而哥尼流却洗耳恭听,他很想更多认识福音。Peter was way outside his comfort zone entering the home of a Roman citizen. He wasn't used to hanging out with non-Jews, and yet Cornelius was all ears and wanted to hear more about the gospel.