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我喜欢看她的学习曲线,很有电影里的美感。I liked watching her learning curve, it was very filmic.

实际上,在一部电影的创作中容不下任何与电影无关的工作。Actually, there is no room for any un- filmic work in the creation of a film.

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电影手稿的发展也是电影制片发展的一部分。The film manuscript developed as a strictly filmic part of the production process.

非常适合表现令人愉快的大自然绿的电影效果,适合突出表现天空的饱和蓝色。A very pleasing natural filmic look with very good green rendition and saturated blues that help in sky coloration.

不干胶薄膜标签如今真正灵活和有效的解决方案不同标签的目的。Self-adhesive filmic labels are nowadays a really flexible and effective solution for different labelling purposes.

其以电影论坛、电影博客等为标志,与传统影评争抢着读者眼球。Internet criticism characterized by filmic forum and filmic Blog competes with traditional criticism for the readers.

水上世界参加表演的有七八个人,只有一个女演员,实际上是一场电影特技表演,很逼真,惊险。The total players were about 7 people, one was woman. It is real a filmic stunt perform, very realistic, adventurous.

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紧紧围绕着生存的主题,我们将一种极度程式化的表现方式变成了一种电影的美学标准。We went from a more heavily stylized approach, to a grounded filmic aesthetic. The message was always about survival.

除了这三大类图书外,店中还有电影类的、平面设计类的书,都非常专业。In addition to these three categories, very professional Kinds of filmic theories as well as graphic design are available too.

在完成了规定好摄影机和演员每一步动作的摄制手稿之后,他们变得全心关注电影的进展。By working out shooting schedules that prescribed every move of camera and actor, they became concerned with the very heart of the filmic process.

法国电影理论家安德烈·巴赞不仅对世界电影产生了深刻的影响,而且对中国电影理论和创作实践也影响深远。Andre Bazin, the famous French flim theorist, had far-flung influence on not only the world movies, but also the Chinese filmic theories and practice.

该文从文学文本入手,探讨经过修辞移植后的电影文本所表现出来的文化特征。The essay probes into the cultural characteristic of the film text by means of the rhetorical transformation between the literary and filmic text at present.

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通过把历史电影素材和当代图像结合起来,这部电影诗歌继续用图像、文字和声音进行关于东西方的永恒思考。By integrating historic film material with contemporary images this filmic poem continues the timeless reflection of East and West in images, words and sound.

某些被选作主题的人类问题或背景可能同样适合一部小说或者舞台剧,但它必须包含电影化的可能性。The particular human problem or setting that is chosen as the theme may also be suitable for a novel or a stage play, but it must contain filmic possibilities.

艾德曼有几个机器制造印刷的非文件基板,如电影,铝和650微米的聚丙烯塑料为亚洲包装市场。Edelmann have manufactured several machines for printing on non-paper substrates such as filmic , aluminum and 650 micron PP plastic for the Asian packaging market.

电影化倾向是当代中国实验话剧文体实验性的一个重要体现,主要表现为电影式的镜头化叙事、蒙太奇结构方式和视觉逻辑等。One of the experimentation of the experimental drama in contemporary china lies in its filmic tendency manifests as a narration in scenes montage structures and visual logic etc.

电影化倾向是当代中国实验话剧文体实验性的一个重要体现,主要表现为电影式的镜头化叙事、蒙太奇结构方式和视觉逻辑等。One of the experimentation of the experimental drama in contemporary China lies in its filmic tendency, manifests as a narration in scenes, montage structures and visual logic, etc.

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引申而言,用语言学的类比,也就是说,将语言学上的意思用到电影术语中,前景就是通过电影的非正常的手法让观众对电影中的特定元素产生关注。By extension, but also by analogy with linguistics, foregrounding means drawing the spectators attention to a particular element in a film through the use of an unusual filmic device.

这部电影的上映,让世人首次通过电影化的形式深度了解昌平的温泉文化,也感受到昌平人如温泉般的暖暖情意。The movie theaters, let the world first through its filmic form a deep understanding of the hot spring culture in changping, also feel like hot spring of changping people warm emotion.