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蛋白过敏的宝宝,麻疹。The darling of albumen allergy, hives.

胶原蛋白对皮肤的作用是什么?。What is collagen albumen to cutaneous action?

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白蛋白细胞的功能尚不清楚。The function of the albumen cells is not known.

玉米蛋白粉中所含蛋白质主要是玉米醇溶蛋白。The main protein in corn albumen powder is zein.

大豆浓缩蛋白是一种优质蛋白质资源。Soja condenses albumen is a kind of high grade protein resource.

好似切片的豆腐干,吃起来竟是茶叶蛋的蛋白。When you eat it like sliced torfu, it is albumen of egg boiled in tea.

鸡蛋蛋白粉的生产,多用喷雾干燥法。The centrifugal spray drying process of eeg albumen powder was studied.

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通过加热的能量元素香薰理疗袋,能产生远红外线并能被人体高分子蛋白质所吸收。Absorbed by the human high polymer albumen through the third element that is heated.

她在桌子上把蛋壳敲破,仔细地用手摸了摸里面的蛋白。She strikes the eggshell broken on the desk, has touched the albumen inside with hands carefully.

营养不良者应注意加强营养,适当补充蛋白与维生素。Hidebound person should notice to strengthen nutrition, proper and compensatory albumen and vitamin.

在外膜的表面有一层膜支架蛋白,其主要成分为收缩蛋白及肌动蛋白。The surface of outer film has egg white of bracket of a film, its bases is contractive albumen and actin.

目的探讨有效改善低蛋白血症患者血浆白蛋白浓度的护理措施。Objective To investigate nursing methods on elevation of plasma albumen level on hypoalbuminemia patients.

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此糕饼制法试用杜比公司所产蛋白粉,其他品牌蛋白粉也可替代使用,但效果也许不同。This recipe is tested with ALBEN Elements by DC DUBY, other albumen may be substituted but results may differ.

新西兰进口乳清蛋白粉,美国大豆分离蛋白粉及大豆肽蛋白,葡萄糖等。Whey albumen powder imported from New Zealand, separated soy albumen powder imported from America, glucose, etc.

红细胞被破坏后,血红蛋白就在巨噬细胞内分解成珠蛋白和血红素。After red blood cell is destroyed, haemoglobin is decomposed inside huge bite cell bead albumen and blood red element.

为减少混入的蛋黄中脂类物质对蛋清粉起泡性的影响,该试验采用脂肪酶水解脂类来提高蛋清粉起泡性能。In order to improve the foaming properties of egg albumen powder , the lipase was applied to hydrolysis lipids of yolk.

NS组手术后体重、血清蛋白回升较NT组明显提前,由负氮平衡向正氮平衡恢复所需时间较NT组明显缩短。The recovery of body weight, level of plasma albumen and nitrogen balance in NS group was faster than that of NT group.

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“哈氏单位由鸡蛋重量和蛋清中央厚度两个因素决定,”琼斯说。"The Haugh unit factors together the weight of the egg and the thickness of the albumen layer at the center, " says Jones.

因为这种癌细胞分泌的粘蛋白具有血栓形成作用,可造成血管内凝血。Because excretive of this kind of cancer cell sticks albumen to have thrombosis effect, can cause the cruor inside blood-vessel.

交媾囊一侧的蛋白腺、粘液腺分别分泌蛋白质及粘液包围卵。In the adjacency of copulatory bursa is albumen gland and mucous gland, which secretes protein and mucus respectively and surround eggs.