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我是李娜。请找你妈妈听电话。This is Lila. Please call your mom.

莱拉在哪里买的那些名贵的衣服?Where did Lila buy those great clothes?

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这本书是对印第安人的人类学研究。And Lila is an anthropological study of Native Americans.

我还是不明白你跟莱拉发生了什么事?I still don't understand what happened with you and lila.

莱拉的演出服装和发型曾受弗烈达卡罗影响。Lila Downs used to perform wearing clothing and hairstyles influenced by Frida Kahlo.

丽拉建议,只有当孩子吐出全部怨言后才能采取进一步的措施。Swing into action only after your child has aired the entire list of grievances, advises Lila.

29岁的莱拉•拉•斯卡拉捐赠了一架前男友赠与的钢琴,标签上写着“出售”字样。Lila La Scala, 29, donated a piano that she was given by a one-time lover with the caption "for sale".

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格蒂开始形影不离地跟着莱拉--去花园、到谷仓、晾衣服,甚至上汽车它也跟着。Gertie began to follow Lila everywhere she went-garden, the barn, the clotheslinee, even once into the car.

我们以一首莱拉演绎的卡洛斯桑塔纳的歌曲”黑魔女“来和大家告别,她和劳尔米顿一起演唱。We leave you with Lila Downs' inventive version of Carlos Santana's song "Black Magic Woman. " She performs the song with Raul Midon.

他看起来很不爽,看来他不喜欢那个名字,“其实,我有个侄女叫里拉,可是我们都叫她莉莉。”He looked uncomfortable, as if he didn’t like the name Lillian. “As a matter of fact, I have a niece named Lila but we all call her Lily.”

莉拉也明白矛盾爆发期间如果阻止她女儿不去商场,马尔塔和任何其它许多孩子一样,结果是再一次的感情受挫,灰心丧气,一蹶不振。Lila has also learned that if she interrupts her daughter during a gripe session, Marta, like most kids, ends up feeling frustrated all over again.

一起是茄弗里拉·阿尔达里昂诺维奇将手伸进燃烧的壁炉里去掏钱,另一起是娜斯塔霞跟随罗果仁奔逃而去。Alda is the eggplant along with Lyon, Norwich Fu Lila stretched its hands into the fireplace go pays for, another is to follow the Nasta Xia Luo nuts flee away.

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“里拉.亨额”和“佛里”一家是对门,她说,佛里说她在做不动产生意,来自加拿大。Lila Hexner, who lives in the building next door, said Ms. Foley told her she was in the real estate business. “She said they were from Canada, ” Ms. Hexner said.

聪明的莉拉很快就发现自己已经成了一个设计好的陷阱的猎物,似乎有人对她的“金罗盘”觊觎许久,“主教法庭”也在不惜一切代价找到它。Smart Lila soon find themselves good design has become a trap prey, it seems that she was the "Golden Compass" coveted for so long, "Bishop court" also find it at all costs.