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我的棋艺有了很大的提高。My chess has improved a lot.

那部车已改良了很多。The car is very much improved.

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安新基础设施完善。An improved new infrastructure.

改善噗浪输入法表现。Improved Performance Plurk Input.

改进的纹理重组。Improved texture defragmentation.

改进视音频的检视面板.Improved inspector for movie audio.

改善安全性和审核能力。Improved security and auditability.

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增加的船的速度和操控性。Improved speed & handling of boats.

俄蒙关系有大的进展。Relations with Russia have improved.

我绝不认为这对米有任何改善。I can't say it improved the rice any.

改进了使用电梯时的寻路算法。Improved pathfinding using elevators.

因此情人旅馆的管理也得以改善了。In response, management has improved.

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病已见轻。The patient's condition has improved.

提高了整个系统高程信息冗余度。The redundancy of height is improved.

总体可视度大大提高。Global visibility is greatly improved.

这是新的和改进的坩埚。Here is the new and improved crucible.

提高了的全部系统测试的加速时间Improved full system test ramp-up time

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从某种程度上说,她的健康状况已大有好转。In a way her health has much improved.

重标度的宽表进行了改进。Rescaling of wide tables was improved.

反作弊制修改器会有改进的措施吗?Were the anti-cheat-measures improved?