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我们活动的第一站是晚上拜访澳门教区青年牧民中心。The first stop of our visit was the Diocesan Youth Pastoral Center.

出席这次会议的董事包括山西省三位主教及两位教区长。The meeting was attended by three bishops and two diocesan administrators.

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这是显而易见的,从本质省却及拔萃管辖权。This is evident from the nature of dispensation and of diocesan jurisdiction.

因为他们没有教区主教,他们自己的,基于这个理由,它很可能会否认他们组成一个教堂。As they have no diocesan bishops of their own, on this ground it may well be denied that they form a Church.

教会将在新的教区委员会成立之前完成对奎因相关奇迹的核实。Identifying miracles attributable to Monsignor Quinn will be among the tasks before the new diocesan committee.

除了预留一部分龛位给教区神职人员及修女外,其余大部分公开向教友发售。While some niches are reserved for diocesan priests and nuns, the majority are offered for sale to lay Catholics.

通过第1612詹姆斯曾成功地进行了第一部分,他的政策,重新建立的教区主教。By 1612, James had succeeded in carrying out the first part of his policy, the re-establishment of diocesan episcopacy.

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然而,1922年时,在主教管辖区的帮助之下,奎因在布鲁克林为黑人天主教徒建立了第一座属于他们的教堂——圣彼得·克拉弗。In 1922, however, with diocesan support, Monsignor Quinn established the first church for black Catholics in Brooklyn, St.

主教认为私下结识一下他区内最引人注目的牧师,是他的无可旁贷的职责。The bishop thought it his imperative duty to become personally acquainted with the most conspicuous of his diocesan clergy.

他相信,李主教希望通过正式选举,获得教廷和政府的支持,使教区领导层达致「和谐的过渡」。He believed Bishop Li wanted to gain support from Beijing and the Vatican for this “harmonious transition” of diocesan leadership.

她现在在香港顶尖的女子学校,教会女校上学,能说一口熟练的英语,广东话和普通话。She now attends one of Hong Kong's top girls schools, Diocesan Girls' School, and is fully fluent in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

感受到天主对他的圣职召叫,先曾考虑善度修院的虔敬生活,及后转进圣奥斯定神学院,准备投入教区司铎牧职的行列。Perceiving a call to serve God as a priest, after first considering religious life, he turned towards the diocesan priesthood and formation at St.

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我们的学生来自名校如英皇佐治五世、沙田书院、拔萃女书院、玛利诺及喇沙书院。Our students come from top-tier schools such as KGV, Shatin College, Diocesan Girls' School, Maryknoll Convent School, La Salle College, to name a few.

1989年,北堂后院增建两座小楼,有三,四十个房间,北京教区修院才由西北旺迁入小楼1992年9月,北京教区修院又迁移到北京东郊平房乡。In 1989, Beijing Diocesan Seminary was transferred from Xibeiwang to the Beitang premises. In September 1992, the seminary again moved to Pingfang, east of the city.

教会将在新的教区委员会成立之前完成对奎因相关奇迹的核实。但是对于奎因的支持者而言,他们已经见证了奇迹。Identifying miracles attributable to Monsignor Quinn will be among the tasks before the new diocesan committee. But to his advocates, the miracles are already evident.

您好,我是拔萃男书院的学生,现在正进行一项有关最低工资立法的民意调查,请用2至3分钟填写此表格。Hello, I am a student from Diocesan Boys' School, and is now conducting a poll on the implantation of the minimum wages. Please spare 2-3 minutes to read through and complete this form.