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国王授予这位士兵骑士爵位。The king ennobled the soldier with knighthood.

骑士精神的黄金时代乃是很久以前的事了。The golden age of knighthood was a long time ago.

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然而,弗莱明却是最早获得认可,而且还因此被封爵的那个人。But Fleming got the early credit, and the knighthood.

女王在记者会议上授予公车售票员骑士身份。The Queen conferred knighthood on the bus conductor at the press conference.

此后的十多年里,欧比-万引导年轻的阿纳金走上绝地武士之路。For over a decade Obi-Wan guided young Anakin on the path to Jedi Knighthood.

他的一点头能赐人以尊贵和威望,他谨慎的以免造成高贵泛滥。He could bestow knighthood and prestige by a nod, and he was chary of creating a too-extensive nobility.

阿博特做过不少“拍脑袋的决定”,其中包括授予英国菲利普亲王骑士头衔,此事让他备受争议。Mr Abbott's controversial choice to award Prince Philip a knighthood was one of his many "captain's calls".

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曼彻斯特联队主教练阿莱克斯·弗格森2000年受勋,因此人们尊称他为阿莱克斯·弗格森爵士。Alex Ferguson, coach of Manchester United, received a knighthood in 2000 and is now called Sir Alex Ferguson.

贝克汉姆2003年获颁大英帝国官佐勋章,比爵位低两阶。Beckham was made an officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 2003, two steps below a knighthood.

在西方国家,优良的美德的骑士被影响的现代的人们的思想和观念。In the western countries, the fine virtue of knighthood has been the impact of modern people's thinking and concepts.

又泛指封有爵位的地方君主,如春秋战国时期的列国诸侯。Also refers to letters where there is a knighthood monarchs, such as the Spring and Autumn period, far and wide on princes.

38岁的贝克汉姆在今年五月告别了20年的足球生涯,当时他被举荐为骑士爵位候选人。Beckham, 38, had been suggested for a knighthood in May when he announced he was retiring from football after a 20-year career.

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26岁的穆雷在成为了温网77年来首次获得男单冠军的本土选手后,也跻身骑士爵位的热门人选名单。Murray, 26, had also been seen as a likely candidate for a knighthood after becoming the first Wimbledon men's singles champion for 77 years in July.

巴利斯坦的怀疑又猛然让她醒悟。“这里里维斯特洛那么远,要自称骑士很容易。你准备好用剑与矛捍卫它的准备了么?”Ser Barristan's suspicions had awakened. "Knighthood is easily claimed this far from Westeros. Are you prepared to defend that boast with sword or lance?""

本系列灵感源于大块的几何图形,大胆运用黑与红的醒目搭配,剪裁考究。银色的纽扣和挂链暗含着一丝当代女性的骑士情怀。This bold geometric inspired black and red collection is well tailored. The silver buttons and chain give a hint of knighthood spirit for today's modern woman.

直接位于男爵之下但位于除嘉德勋位者外的,所有骑士等级之上的世袭身份拥有者,通常授予平民。A man holding a British hereditary title of honor reserved for commoners, ranking immediately below the barons and above all orders of knighthood except the Garter.

尼古拉斯•古雷先生,法国著名独立制表人、尼古拉•古雷品牌及尼古拉文化慈。善基金会创始人。1929年法兰西独立骑士勋章获得者。Nicolas Gray, French independent watchmaker , the founder of Nicholas brands and Nicholas culture charitable foundation. the winner of French independent knighthood in 1929.

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斯卡拉蒂的后人们对他音乐手稿的丢失不太在意,但他们一代又一代都非常谨慎地保留着斯卡拉蒂的骑士记载。Scarlatti's descendants will later allow all of his musical manuscripts to disappear, but from generation to generation, they will jealously preserve the records of his knighthood.

威廉姆。卢卡斯先生从前是在麦里屯做生意起家发迹的,曾在当市长的任内上书皇上,获得了一个爵士头衔。Sir William Lucas had been formerly in trade in Meryton, where he had made a tolerable fortune and risen to the honour of knighthood by an address to the King during his mayoralty.

然而,他创建的这个组织——他被授予爵士头衔也是对这个组织的一种敬意——却颠覆了传统,改变了孟加拉一直以来的贫穷和困苦,而且在这方面作出的贡献可能比任何一个单一团体都要多。Yet the organisation he founded, and for which his knighthood is a gong of respect, has probably done more than any single body to upend the traditions of misery and poverty in Bangladesh.