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矢量光栅转换器?。VRC? Vector Raster Converter?

相对于光栅图片来说,SVG具有很多优势。SVG has many advantages over raster images.

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位映像经常被称做光栅图形。Bit-mapped graphics are often called raster graphics.

对于偏距加工和行切加工都可以使用螺旋下切方式。Ramping can be applied to both offset and raster modes.

重点讨论存储栅格数据的原理及应用。Focus on the principles of raster data storage and applications.

因此,它既有矢量数据存贮量小的优点,又有网格数据区域图象显示快的长处。In a word, it has advantages of both vector data and raster data.

文中叙述了偏转线圈光栅失真的分析方法。An analysis method of DY Raster distortion is described in detail.

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基于DEM构建数字流域水文模型,在此基础上,利用新安江模型作径流计算。Digital basin model is established on the basis of raster DEM data.

本发明能有效地保证对接后光栅尺的直线度。The invention can confirm the straightness of butted raster rulers.

这种情形中最大的错误在于使用了光栅图而非矢量图。The bigger mistake, in this case, is using raster rather than vector images.

在栅格数据模型中,地图的准确性还依赖于地图的比例。In the raster data model, the map's accuracy also depends on the map's scale.

通过分析栅格数据对信号的传播进行计算。By analyzing the raster data to do the calculation of the spread of the signal.

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使用一维振镜来实现点阵字体的飞动标刻。The raster fonts' flying-marking is realized by one-dimensional scanning mirror.

导入和导出矢量数据及栅格数据,实现多种GIS数据格式之间的转换。Import and export vector and raster data, convert between different GIS data formats.

研究了在光栅矢量化后的光顺问题。The curve fairing after raster curve has been vectorized is researched in this paper.

它主要是一种矢量图形语言,但是可以使用某些光栅图形特性。It is primarily a vector graphics language, though some raster graphics features are available.

最后根据多边形区域的形状和颜色使用相应的SVG代码描述尤栅图像。Finally, the SVG code is used to describe the raster image based on the shape and color of polygons.

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在文件的像素网格上精确地创建矢量对象,从而交付像素统一的栅格图稿。Create vector objects precisely on the file's pixel grid for delivering pixel-aligned raster artwork.

本文提出了在光栅显示器上产生真实感CSG图形的一种方法。In this paper, a method of dynamically generating Shaded images of CSG in raster devices is presented.

光栅将用于印记就由一个向量其次,削减木材木形象设计。Raster will be used to imprint the design on wood followed by a vector to cut the image from the wood.