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这是听觉中央窝的例子。This is an example of an acoustic fovea.

按工藤分类法判断浅表型大肠肿瘤小凹形状。The shape of fovea of superficial tumor was determined by the taxonomy.

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人类有视觉的中央窝,星鼻鼹则有触觉的中央窝。Humans have a fovea for sight, and star-nosed moles have a fovea for touch.

由于被乳状晕圈围绕,凹陷中心显现出亮红色。The center of the fovea appears bright red because it is surrounded by a milky halo.

而这个区域周围的地方则更擅长察觉位移、影子、光亮及黑白对比。The area around the fovea is better at detecting motion, shadows, and stark, black and white contrasts.

视网膜是一个特化、且只有一小区域紧紧的附着光感受器,叫做中央小窝。The retina is specialized in having only a small region of tightly packed photoreceptors called the fovea.

近视眼LASIK术后出现的黄斑中心凹视网膜水肿主要发生在高度近视眼。ConclusionMild macular central fovea edema was found within the first month following LASIK, mostly in high myopia.

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识别精细图案,实际上你的大脑中心,有一个叫做中央凸的部具有特殊的作用。Recognizing fine patterns, and you have in fact a very specialization of your brain in the centre called the fovea.

胰岛素在功能矫形前伸大鼠下颌后翼外肌的适应性改建中有重要作用。And changes also had been taken place on the form and function of the lateral pterygoid muscle, articular disc and fovea.

黄斑光敏度变化与中心视力、斑中心凹厚度相关。The changes of macular light sensitivity correlates with the central visual acuity and retinal thickness of macular fovea.

为因黄斑病变造成中心凹结构破坏的眼底确定中心固视的位置提供方法。We described a method to estimate the foveal position in images of retinas with macular disease in which the fovea is obscured.

鼹鼠的中央窝位于嘴巴上方,是编号第11号的最下面一对短附器。The mole's fovea consists of the bottom pair of short appendages, located above the mouth, each designated as the 11th appendage.

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结论发生于中心凹的新生血管出血是严重影响视力的主要原因。CONCLUSION Fovea hemorrhage caused by subretinal neovascularization is primary reason, which result in impairment of visual acuity sharply.

翠鸟一旦扎入水中,另一个凹窝也发挥功能,使它的双眼像双筒望远镜一样同时聚焦到猎物身上。Once it hits the water, the other fovea joins in, allowing the kingfisher to focus both eyes, like binoculars, on its prey at the same time.

胚胎第17天,粘膜上皮细胞向下凹陷形成小的绒毛,但无隐窝形成,细胞呈幼稚形态。Immature epithelial cells in mucous membrane began to be inferior fovea , to form micro-villi when epithelial cells were immature at E17 day.

结论随着眼轴长度的增加,旁中心凹视网膜变薄,中心凹的最小RT及中心凹区的平均RT没有变化。Conclusions As the AL of eye increases, the RT at the parafovea decreases, while the minimum and the average RT at the fovea remain unchanged.

快速视网膜厚度扫描,每次扫描测量采用128个扫描点,共有78个横向扫描点,其中6个相交于中心凹。For fast-scan retinal thickness, measurements are taken at 128 points in each scan, for a total of 78 transverse points, 6 of which intersect at the fovea.

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中央凹极高视锥细胞密度为提供敏锐中心视力的基础,其极大的个体差异与发育有关。The high density of retinal cone cells at the central fovea provide the basis of sensitive central visual acuity, which relates to the individual variation and development.

从星鼻鼹的体感觉具有中央窝的发现可推测,生物在建构高解析度的感觉系统时,这种结构模式是常见的演化解决方案。The discovery of a somatosensory fovea in the star-nosed mole suggests that this organizational scheme is a general evolutionary solution to constructing a high-resolution sensory system.

视觉系统发展出中央窝是最为人所熟知的例子,而听觉系统同样也可以有中央窝,美国密苏里州华盛顿大学的菅乃武男已经以髭蝠为例,漂亮地证实了这一点。Visual systems with a fovea are the most familiar, but auditory systems can have an acoustic fovea as well, as has been elegantly demonstrated by Nobuo Suga of Washington University in mustached bats.