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转回来!你走错路了。Yow are going the wrong way.

转回来!你走错路了。Turn around! Yow are going the wrong way.

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人们关于凯佑说了很多客气话。People said many kind words about Kay Yow.

你将变得更积极,更强大!Yow will be more positive and more powerful!

凯佑感动的心和许多人的生命。Kay Yow touched the hearts and lives of many people.

凯姚是一名非常成功的篮球教练。Kay Yow had become a very successful basketball coach.

哎呀,在我告诉你这件事确定下来之前不要买任何礼服。Yow. Don’t buy any dresses until I tell you it’s a done deal.

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2009年,凯姚去逝,享年66岁。Kay Yow died in two thousand nine. She was sixty-six years old.

邱涌耀目前在吉隆坡做导演和剪辑师。Eng Yow is currently an editor and director based in Kuala Lumpur.

凯佑已被确认为她服务的篮球比赛。Kay Yow has been recognized for her service to the game of basketball.

大三开始写诗,第一首诗“船歌”发表于幼狮文艺。Her first poem, The Song of A Boat appeared in Yow Shy Magazine Monthly.

在她的葬礼上,悼念者观看了凯姚事先为此葬礼而录制的视频。During the ceremony, mourners watched a video message Yow had recorded for the funeral.

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你将变得更积极,更强大!尽最大能力地发挥你的想象力吧!Yow will be more positive and more powerful! Use your imagination to its fullest ability!

大学篮球正在哀悼一位杰出的教练。周六,北卡罗莱纳州女子教练凯。尤因乳癌并发症去世。North Carolina State women's coach Kay Yow died Saturday of complications from breast cancer.

学习贸易以及股票佑认为有必要了解你,你的反应再现。As well as learning to trade stocks it is essential that you understand yow you react under stress.

凯姚感动了很多人,她是一位伟大的教练员、教师和朋友,她向人们,包括陌生人表达她的爱和友善。Kay Yow touched the hearts and lives of many people. She was known as a great coach, teacher and friend.

知道哪个中国名人?姚明,休斯敦火箭队的核心,还有成龙、李小龙和章子怡。Who is chinese well-know person? Yow ming center of the houston rockets jackie chan bruce lee ziyi zhang.

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接触了事情的不同,就改变了想法,很多人也许现在还没有这样的想法,因为那是你还没有经历低学历求职生涯的痛苦。At this time yow will learn the right earrings A person way backlinks for Newcastle Bracelets you can have dreamed for.

今天,我们讲述两个女人谁帮助改变了体育界,高尔夫球和篮球教练贝蒂詹姆逊凯佑。Today we tell about two women who helped change the world of sports, golfer Betty Jameson and basketball coach Kay Yow.

今天,我们要向你介绍两位女士,她们改变了世界体育运动,一位是高尔夫运动员贝蒂.詹姆森,另一位是篮球教练凯姚。Today we tell about two women who helped change the world of sports, golfer Betty Jameson and basketball coach Kay Yow.