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然而,校园网络文化的主阵地是大学校园。However, the main land of campus cyberculture is in the universities.

关于网络文化的性质和功能问题,国内学界迄今为止仍众说纷纭。The academic circle at home has so far been arguing about the nature and function of cyberculture.

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本文的第一部分提出了加强校园网络文化建设的必要性和客观需要性。In section one, it presents the necessity and objective demand of campus cyberculture construction.

本文尝试提出网络文化是一种青年文化,具有社会变革与文化改造功能。This thesis attempts to argue that cyberculture is a kind of youth culture, able to change the social life and culture.

军营网络文化是党在军队的“喉舌”,是我军新闻宣传工作的重要阵地。The military cyberculture is the representative of our party and an important position of news dissemination in our army.

网络是人类文明发展的产物,其特点决定了网络文化的先进性。Network is a result of development of human civilization, which characteristic has determined the advance of cyberculture.

本文的关注焦点是网络文化对中国学生的素质教育的影响问题。This paper is an initial attempt made on probing into the impacts cyberculture has produced on quality education in China.

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在这样的大环境下,新时期高校校园文化面临着网络文化的冲击,形成了对校园主流文化的严峻挑战。In this situation, campus culture of college is being impacted by cyberculture in new ages, which gives a severe challenge to mail culture in campus.

认为未来的中国网络文化,应以其本应具有的充沛的少年精神成为中国文化现代化的强有力的推进器。The future cyberculture in China should positively promote the transformation of traditional Chinese culture with its vigorously youthful spirit in nature.

本文首先从文化学的视角分析了校园网络文化的内涵、功能、特点,明确了校园网络文化的思想政治教育功能。This article first analyzes the content, function, and features of the campus cyberculture from a culturology angle, and clarifies the function of ideology education of it.

随着大学校园网络的日益普及,网络文化成了校园文化的一个重要组成部分。With the ever-increasing popularity of the network on college campus, cyberculture became an important part of the whole campus culture upon which this two-edged sword has its great impact.

在这样的历史语境下,“网络文化”的研究自然成为了全球性的热点课题,同时也为美学的发展开辟了新的理论视野。Under such background, the study of " cyberculture " has naturally become a popular issue across the global area and thus opened up a new theoretical field of vision for the development of aesthetics.