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我希望没有伤害她的感情。I hope l didn't inure her feelings.

我们应该使自己习惯艰苦生活。We should inure ourselves to hard life.

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不过她觉得,她必须使自己习惯于这磨砺。She found, however, that it was one to which she must inure herself.

本保险的权益承运人或其他受托人不得享受。This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carrier or other bailee.

这个合约将对我继承者的利益适用并允许转让。This Agreement will inure to the benefit of my successors and permitted assigns.

你的失业保险将从你失业的第三周起生效。Your unemployment insurance will inure from the third week of your being out of work.

就在这些方面强国和国际机构比如联合国应该管一管。So that's where stronger countries and global institutions like the UN could come in and inure.

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本协议双方签字盖章生效,对双方以及其继承者和受让方都有约束力。This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns.

这个协议将连带结合,同时习惯于或者各方的益处,及他们的继承者和被允许的指派。This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and permitted assigns.

本协议双方签字盖章生效,对双方以及其继承者和受让方都有约束力。Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns.

观看壮观的潮涨潮落景色使我感到一种在其他地方感受不到的内心的满足。Watching the magnificent view of the ebb and flow of the tides fills me with an inure contentment that I find nowhere else.

即政府能用最少的资源投入生产出尽可能多的公共产品成公共服务以更好地满足公众的需要。Government should do its best to produce inure public products to meet the need of the public on the basis of less resource.

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这项协议将具有约束力,并符合其利益的G及A和各自的继承人和允许的受让人。This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of G and A and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

因被许可方使用系统和专有商标而产生益处都应当归于许可方及其附属关联机构。That all such use by Licensee of the System and the Proprietary Marks shall inure to the benefit of Licensor and its Affiliates.

保险的利益17不适用条款本保险除了被保险人之外对于任何承运人或受托人的利益不适用。Benefit of insurance17not to inure clause this insurance shall not inure to the benefit of any carrier or bailee other than assured.

这项协定将具有约束力,并符合其利益的各方,以及各自的继承人和允许的受让人。These terms and conditions shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their successors and permitted assigns.

这种新的可信平台证明方式丰富了平台证明的安全语义。并且更适用于公平、开放的网络环境。Thin new method enriches the security semantic of platform attestation and is inure adapt to the impartial and open network environment.

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本合同对双方及其各自准许的继受人和受让人均有约束力并使其受益。This Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective permitted successors and assigns.

本担保的受害圆为福汇亚洲及其继启人或蒙争人。本担保对于以上签名人士及其承继人存在约?力。This guarantee shall inure to the benefit of FXCM ASIA, its successors &assigns, and shall be binding on the undersigned and their heirs.

本担保的受害圆替福汇亚洲及其承继人或蒙争人。本担保对于以上签名人士及其继启己存在约?力。This guarantee shall inure to the benefit of FXCM ASIA, its successors & assigns, and shall be binding on the undersigned and their heirs.