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让苏轼疯狂开始了!Let the Sushi Frenzy begin!

这场如痴如狂的怀旧思潮从何而起?Why such a frenzy of nostalgia?

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兴奋的狂热几乎是无法控制的。The frenzy of excitement was barely containable.

他赢球关键的入门得分让群众为之疯狂。His game-winning goal sent the crowd into a frenzy.

这场智能手机诉讼风潮可能会持续几年。The frenzy of smart-phone litigation could last for years.

大举贷款,哄抬物价,这些投机行为日渐疯狂。A speculative frenzy of borrowing and bidding up is at work.

今年早些时候,投行挖的主要是鼎鼎有名的人物。The poaching frenzy earlier this year centered on big names.

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蚀刻着狂热民俗场景的宋朝石雕梁?That Song Dynasty lintel etched with a frenzy of folk scenes?

最后,金融业的暴徒一哄而散,大家抢着抛售。Then the financial mob turned and there was a frenzy to sell.

他没有信心,因此他极为紧张。He was not confident and so he lathered himself into a frenzy.

过去的两年见证了一场基础设施建设的狂潮。The past two years have seen a frenzy of institution-building.

在恨之入骨的冲动下,他把仇人杀了,为他父亲报了仇。In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy and revenged his father.

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在开罗,尽管物价飞涨,人们数星期前仍然开始了疯狂购物。In Cairo, a shopping frenzy began weeks ago despite soaring prices.

就算迷乱被抓到这么难以接近的地方,想找到他也不在话下!Leave it to Frenzy to get caught in the most unobtainable of places!

放纵的怒火驱使你以惊人的速度激发狂暴战斗。Unbridled rage propels you to inhuman speed while in a Battle Frenzy.

我们指出在狂热背后的反常是要付出代价的。We pointed out that the deregulation behind the frenzy came at a price.

亚利桑那州,一株巨人柱仙人掌矗立在一团狂暴的闪电中。A saguaro cactus stands tall amid a frenzy of lightning bolts in Arizona.

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就算是那些以慈善为名的机构和人员也不能幸免。Even those working in the name of charity are not excluded from the frenzy.

和原始的声波存在矛盾,因此被改名为迷乱。Had contradictions to the original Soundwave, so they changed him to Frenzy.

然而,如今使魔术变得与以往不同的原因却是他们暴风骤雨般的三分投射。Yet it's the three-point frenzy that really is making the Magic special now.