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还记得皮特•贝斯特吗?Remember Pete Best?

一个被来叁观彼得的家庭。A family come to visit Pete.

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皮特威尔考克斯是船长。Pete Willcox is her captain.

皮特和队友预备开始。P7. Pete and his team get set.

当皮特的宠物鸟死掉时,他心烦意乱。Pete was upset when his pet bird died.

这里是丹和皮特。我有个想法!Here come Dan and Pete. I have an idea!

因此,不出所料,皮特去旅行了。So, as predicted, Pete went the journey.

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乔西、伊芙、辛蒂、扎克和彼特走进来。Josie, Eve, Cindy, Zack and Pete walk in.

格兰特、乔西和彼特在「书架」书店内。Grant, Josie and Pete are in The Bookshelf.

叔叔皮特上个星期掉到装威士忌的大桶里。Uncle Pete fell in a whiskey vat last week.

哎,可能你的前妻也在那里,皮特。Hey, maybe your ex-wife is there, too, Pete.

皮特·西格-花儿到哪里去了?Pete Seeger-Where have all the flowers gone?

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皮特西格认为“应”听起来更好。"Pete Seeger thought "shall" sounded better.

我一直在建设两轴的皮特小狗。I've been building a two-axle pup for the pete.

因此,不出所料,皮特去旅行了。Please. So, as predicted, Pete went the journey.

皮特立即答应开车送她们。Pete immediately agreed to share the chauffeuring.

Pete觉得周二的技术讲座非常有用!Pete found the tuesday tech talks to be invaluable!

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鲁斯特和皮特也出现在两边--三姐妹。Rooster and PETE appear from the sides. The Sisters.

鲁弗斯是皮特巴塔德创建一个开源工具。Rufus is an Open Source tool created by Pete Batard.

这都将对我们或基斯和皮特造成不利。That would not be good for us or for Keith and Pete.