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五零一集中与星球大战的反派扮装。The 501st focuses on Star Wars villain costuming.

服装设计专家们每个季度都为妇女设计新的服装式样。Costuming experts create new dress styles for ladies every season.

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这样一位正当年的女士居然以自己的奇异装扮而闻名,这是为什么呢?How so? The good lady is known for her outre approach to costuming.

我也有赞扬它的艺术方向,集设计,服装系列。I also have to commend the series on its art direction, set design, and costuming.

因此,服装部奋斗了整整八个礼拜来制作这条裙子。Consequently, for eight weeks the costuming department strived to make this dress work.

学习如何运用这个免费视频假胡子,戏剧化妆和服装。Learn how to apply fake facial hair for theater makeup and costuming in this free video.

部分是因为戏服和化妆的问题,这个歌剧经历了一些修改。The musical had undergone several revisions due, in part, to problems with costuming and makeup.

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他们使用现代服装和符合现行语言习惯的台词使该经典成为了一幕现代罗曼小说。Their use of modern costuming and current idiomatic dialogue made this classic tale into a modern romance.

虽然他们是帮我定做的服装,但是我穿起来还是太大了,不过在拍摄进入角色剧情非常顺利。With the exception of costuming that was far too big for me, the transition into the role went very smoothly.

其中主要详细阐述了远程访问模块与定制模块的关键技术与编制方法。The key techniques and method of the main modules including remote access module and costuming module are discussed in detail.

由于戏服和扮演水平之高以至于几乎无法判断他们是男是女。So great is the level of costuming and role-playing that it’s almost impossible to know whether animegao cosplayers are men or women.

这种团队冰上项目与冰上列队相比,对队形的要求较低,并且允许运用小道具和话剧服装。This is a form of group skating that is less structured than synchronized skating and allows the use of props and theatrical costuming.

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远古的发现,原始的形像,武器,盔甲及具装饰性的事物来表现对远古的怀念。Sculptures are formed reminiscent of archaic finds or primitive icons, portraying ancient clothed in armour, protective costuming or decorative garments.

机上的克隆人飞行员是计算机生成的,即演员特穆拉·莫里森的脸部视觉元素加上计算机生成的头盔和制服。The clone pilots seen aboard are computer-generated, or element photography of actor Temuera Morrison's face adorned with computer-generated helmet and costuming.

描述了所研发的服装配片自动抓取系统,包括裁片分离装置、分片卷取装置和裁片移取装置三个机器单元。A system for automatically snatching costuming is described which have three machine cells including dividing equipment, tackling equipment and costuming removing equipment.