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他们的项研究发表于自然光子学杂志。Their work appears in the journal Nature Photonics.

凯特威光电子公司具有一支全方位的高素质人才队伍。Kaite Wei photonics company with a full range of high-quality talent.

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度申科技将在印度光电展展出最新产品。DO3THINK will exhibit the latest products in Laser World of Photonics India.

对Luxtera而言,而且一般来说对整个光电子技术而言,未来确实十分光明。For Luxtera, and for photonics in general, the future really does look bright.

本文还讨论了微波光子学的概念及其内涵。In addition, the concept and meaning of microwave Photonics will be discussed.

到2020年,英特尔公司打算利用光子或量子的一些效应,比如自旋。Intel is now looking beyond 2020 at photonics and quantum effects such as spin.

光电学涉及光的产生、调制、传输和处理。Photonics involves generation, modulation, transmission and processing of light.

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对光子学与光子技术领域的发展动态和发展趋势进行了系统综述。Both the developing trend and tendency of photonics and photon technology is summarized systematically.

硅光电学技术是一种将光导线路集成到小晶片上的新兴研究领域。Silicon photonics technology is an emerging area of research that integrates optical circuits onto a small chip.

光子与生物组织的相互作用和光生物医学检测是当前生物医学光子学的研究热点。Photon-tissue interactions and photo-biomedical detection are the hotspots of current biomedical photonics research.

为了解决交换中日益严重的电子瓶颈问题,在节点处引入光子技术,使用了OADM和OXC。In order to solve the problem of electronic bottleneck, photonics technology is adopted by using OADM and OXC in nodes.

评述光子学在摄影、显示、音像、影视、体育、音乐和艺术中的应用。The applications of photonics in photography, display CD and DVD, movies and TV, sports, music and arts are reviewed briefly.

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他的研究兴趣包括生物医学影像及光谱、生物物理、超快雷射、非线性光学以及光电子学。His research interests include biomedical imaging and spectroscopy, biophysics, ultrafast lasers, nonlinear optics and photonics.

近年来,微波光子学在世界范围内引起了相关研究机构和商业界的广泛关注。Nowadays, microwave photonics has attracted great interests from both the research community and commercial sector all over the world.

介绍了光子学的产生、发展及其应用,并对快速发展的光子产业作了展望。The appearance, development and applications of photonics are introduced, and photon industry which is rapidly developing is prospected.

20世纪,传统光学迈向现代光学,光子学和光子技术破门而出。In the 20th century, traditional optics was striding forward to the modern optics, and photonics and its technology forced open its doorway.

现代光子学技术的发展为认知脑成像提供了新的研究手段,在神经系统信息处理机制研究中发挥重要作用。The advancement in photonics enables novel techniques for cognitive brain imaging to explore the mechanism of neural information processing.

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数值计算发现,等离子体光子晶体对色散有很大的影响。It is shown that the high efficiency and weak dispersion of backward-wave oscillations can be accounted for by induced a plasma photonics crystal.

概述了光子学及光子技术的产生、发展及其在科研、信息技术和经济发展中的应用。This paper summarizes the development and application of photonics and photon technology in scientific research, information technology and economy.

生物光子学,产生与光子学和生物技术的交界处,处理光和生物或者与生物相关物质的相互作用。Biophotonics, created by interfacing photonics with biotechnology, deals with the interaction of light with biological or biologically-relevant matter2.