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但现在的主导地位成了问题。But that dominance is now in question.

吉博承认竞争对手的市场支配地位。Mr. Gibeau conceded his rival's dominance.

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现在,“三扣“独领风骚的时代已经一去不复返了。The days of three-button dominance are over.

我们必须习惯资源的膨胀和支配。We have got used to expansion and dominance.

这样的交易无关于世界的统治地位。Deals like this are not about world dominance.

但他的优势常常化成绝望泡影。But his dominance often curdles into desperation.

这就意味着大黄所作所为是统治与服从的表现么?Does this mean Fido is into dominance and submission?

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如果美国的主导地位被改变,它将茫然无措。If American dominance is challenged, it will be at sea.

他因此说,应避免来自任何一种极端的支配。Therefore he says avoids dominance by either extreme.

有樱桃,红浆果和梨子的水果芳香。Fruit dominance is on cherry, redcurrant and pear notes.

海宁轻易地统治了最后一盘。Justine romped to take royal dominance in the final set.

美国独霸全球经济主导地位的日子已屈指可数了。The days of U.S. global economic dominance are numbered.

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但竞争者已经开始切割它的领地。But competitors have begun to chip away at its dominance.

外国对于中国占优势出口的敌意在增加。Foreign hostility to China’s export dominance is growing.

同时还暗示着支配控制,而这一特点能够吸引到大多数女子。It also alludes to dominance which will seduce most women.

男人通过统御女人来找到并创造他们的天性。Men find and produce their nature for dominance via women.

老牌大国和新兴大国竞逐主导地位。The incumbent and the rising powers compete for dominance.

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实际上,它也在保护大银行的支配地位。In practice, it also defends the dominance of the big banks.

当然,我们在这一项目上重建了美国的领导地位。And surely we reestablished the U. S. dominance in the sport.

为什么“支配”和“屈服”的主题一直在循环?Why do the themes of dominance and submission keep recurring?