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你是个罪人。You’re a sinner.

阿圣,还是罪人?A saint, or a sinner?

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每个人都是罪人。Every human is a sinner.

现今是个罪人蒙主恩!I now am a sinner saved by grace!

我是个罪人蒙主恩!I'm only a sinner saved by grace!

我是个罪人吗?因为我的晚餐。Am I a sinner? Cuz like my dinner.

她的微笑足以让任何罪人改邪归正。A smile to turn any sinner saintly.

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我像到教堂去忏悔的罪人一样浑身是汗。I'm sweatin' like a sinner in church!

你必须承认你就是个罪人。You must admit that you are a sinner.

一个罪人停止了犯罪,他也仍然是一个罪人。A sinner who stops sinning is a sinner still.

神对悔过的罪人的应许是什么?What is God's promise to the penitent sinner?

夜幕充满末日战争的异色,罪人号泣!异教徒必死!Armageddon's drawing nigh, Sinner cry ! Heathen die !

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每位圣人都又过去,每个罪人都有未来。Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

站在这里的人们,有谁要怀疑上帝对一个罪人的制裁吗?Stand any here that question God's judgment on a sinner?

善与恶、正与邪永恒的斗争。The eternal battle between good and evil, saint and sinner.

有一本流行的书告诉我们“每个人都是罪人”。There is a widely-read book that tells us everyone is sinner.

天堂和其上的一切祝福都会赐给已蒙赦免的罪人。Heaven and all of its blessings are open to the forgiven sinner.

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依笔者看来,狄姆斯台尔是小说中的头号罪人。And in my opinion, Dimmesdale is the greatest sinner in this novel.

当一位有德行有过失者寻求悔罪,他必须拜访主教,要求悔罪。When a sinner seeks penance, he must visit a bishop and ask for it.

祂为我们成为罪人的样式,从而使我们不再做罪人。He became a sinner for you so that we don’t have to be sinners anymore.